Monday 23 January 2012

Ahoy there.

1) What's your username? 'sup. My username is MissDred. Um... Well, I used to go by Dreddeh a long, long, long time ago. Back when I used to pretend to be a guy because roleplaying a guy when you were actually a girl was considered weird when I started. I don't think I was very good at it, though. So, anyway, I am embracing my femininity this time round!

2) How'd you find this place? It was recommended to me by someone who had had it recommended to her. I was recently considering getting back into roleplaying after an absence of three or four years and I asked her for some good sites to use.

3) How long have you roleplayed on forums or chat? On what sites? Did you start with tabletop games or such? Nah, I totally started on Neopets. =p Back when I was 14. Oh god, I was bad back then. I think my very first character went to a gifted boarding school and had a pack of wolves that protected her from evil and she could basically control everything... I quickly learned from my mistake!

4) In coming to RPG, what've you been looking for specifically? A new home for roleplay? Better roleplay? Well, I don't write any more since I stopped roleplaying and I miss being creative. I filled the void with videogames for a while but whilst I still love videogames, you get a lot of douches on multiplayer games, and I miss interacting with people.

5) What kinds of roleplay are you interested in? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Go in-depth about it if you want. Oh, definitely fantasy and sci-fi roleplays. I love the idea of creating my own world. Unfortunately, when I used to roleplay, everyone I knew just wanted their characters to sleep together, and roleplay plots were specifically designed to encourage this. No one was interested in libraries that were actually prisons for storybook characters; or invisible friends that killed people; or worlds colliding and bleeding into one another. I'm a lover of steampunk, so the idea that I'm brewing currently for my foray back into roleplaying is very much up that street.

6) What're your hobbies? Do you collect rocks or mount insects? Standard hobbies really... I read, write, draw (slowly learning how to use my graphics tablet), I listen to music (mainly ska, a bit of punk, a lot of rock) and dance around my room when no one's looking, I watch TV/movies, I bake cakes/cupcakes/cookies/brownies...

7) What's something you're good at besides writing? Maybe you're on the volleyball team or you're a quick learner? Maybe you play the flute or can fold up chairs amazingly fast? xD I work in a bookshop and have spent many years working in bookshops... I have a crazy memory for author names or books. I am quite often able to predict questions that people are going to ask before they've asked them. So, I'll be in situations like the following:

[looking at crime books with a customer]
Customer: Oh, who's that guy...
Me: Stieg Larsson.
Customer: ??
Me: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? It was written by Stieg Larsson.
Customer: ...yes...

Um, otherwise.. I'm pretty good at drawing. Well, copying anyway. I used to do challenges on the gaming community I was on, where people would ask me to draw things for them. It's harder on a tablet but I'm getting there.

8) Do you have any friends here at RPG that invited you here? Would you want to make more friends while you're here? That's pretty much exactly why I'm here!

And lastly...

9) Do we get cookies for looking through your thread and saying hello? No... But you can have a slice of the carrot cake I baked on Friday if you like?



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