Wednesday 31 August 2011

Back Pain And Your Emotions ? Health & Fitness

Back pain does not come alone, does it? Nor does any other pain for that matter, but there is something worse about back pain. Toothache is dismal and it keeps you awake, but you know that the dentist can sort it out quite quickly.

Migraine or any headache is depressing as well, but they come and go and tablets can help, but back pain brings with it the depressing, ominous suspicion that that is you now ? hamstrung for life.

Backache is different for lots of sufferers, but it is usually a chronic, grinding, 24/7 pain that just appears to go away for brief periods while you are absorbed in something else and reappears as soon as you become distracted.

Most individuals with backache are firmly convinced that their lives will be destroyed from now on and for lots of people, it is. However, is this a self-fulfilling prediction? Does the very fact that someone believes that their active life is over make it happen?

There is some evidence that you are what you think. A positive attitude will help you become healthier more quickly that a negative one. Most people would agree with that.

So, can you think your way out of back pain? Probably not, but maybe it depends on how hard you can think as well. The power of thought, meditation or prayer ? whatever you would like to call it ? is harnessed by healers all over the globe.

My masseuse here in Thailand says a prayer before she starts kneading and prodding me. My father was a healer in Wales and he also used to say a prayer before working on a patient.

I have a friend that has had backache for thirty years ? half his life ? and he has merely accepted it as his lot in life. He has been to the medical doctor and to hospital, but they told him that neither massage nor acupuncture can help, so he has never tried them.

He lost his career through immobility and his wife because he was such a misery. Massage has helped me and i have met people who say that acupuncture has been a help for them.

It seems to me that because we are all different and because there are different forms of and reasons for backache, some treatments will be effective for some and not for others.

RICE is one general treatment that seems to deliver some level of relief to everybody. RICE stands for: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation..

Rest does not help me. I find that a few minutes walk is better and I strive to walk a little further every day. Last week, I was managing 300 yards with a rest halfway, now I do not require the rest.

Ice: my friend swears by ice packs and melts one or two a day on his back. I have not tried it.

Compression: some sufferers find that a tight belt assists, but it is not for me

Elevation: this has helped me a lot. I lie on my back with my calfs on a seat parallel to the ground, but I know people who cannot manage this pose.

Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on a range of subjects, but is now involved with sciatica pain management. If you would like to know more, please go to our web site at Sore Back Remedies


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