Sunday 18 November 2012

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the Holidays

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysWhenever the holidays draw near, stress levels seem to skyrocket worldwide. Whether it's the annoyance of travel, distractions from work, small talk with long-forgotten family members, or constant requests for tech support, those family reunions can get pretty dicey. Here's how to make it through with your sanity intact.

10. Avoid Stress When You Travel

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysJoining your family or friends for the holidays often means a trip back to the ol' homestead, which may require a longer journey by car or plane. This is where the stress all begins?from packing to staying on schedule and paying for the trip, travel has a way of making you want to pull your hair out. Check out our start to finish guide to stress-free travel to stay sane through the trek and start your holidays off right. Image remixed from Chris Brindley.

9. Turn Awkward Small Talk with Your Relatives Into Conversations

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysYou're probably going home to see a lot of your close family and friends, but you'll probably run into a lot of extended family members or old acquaintances you haven't seen in awhile?and that means awkward small talk is sure to ensue. If you hate awkward small talk, just turn it into a conversation instead, and things'll be a lot less awkward. If you're really stretching, the FORD technique is a sure way to fill the awkward silences. Image remixed from Dvarg (Shutterstock) and Everett Collection (Shutterstock).

8. Work from Home Without Distractions

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysIf you're lucky, you'll get to blow a few vacation days while you head home, but if not, you'll have to master working from home without distractions. Part of that is dealing with other people around you, particularly if you're in a house packed full of holiday visitors, but the other half is keeping yourself from slacking off when you don't have a boss breathing down your neck. Set some boundaries and try to enjoy the positive side to keep from going insane, and get your work done as quickly as possible so you can get back to the fun stuff. Photo by Britt Selvitelle.

7. Get a Jump on the Food

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysIf you're in charge of any cooking, don't save anything until the last minute. Get a jump on your holiday meals with as many make-ahead dishes as you can, and start the main cooking early to make sure everything's done thoroughly (and you don't poison everyone). And even if you aren't in charge of the meal, see what you can do to help out?it'll make everyone else less stressed, and give you some quality time with your family. Photo by Threephin.

6. Stick With Your Exercise Routine

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysVacations and holidays are when it's toughest to stick with your exercise routine, and yet it's when they're the most important (since you're eating more than usual). If you've already motivated yourself into a good routine, you shouldn't have too much trouble?you just need to keep up that motivation while you're gone. In fact, your biggest problem will probably be time. If you have less time to exercise over the break than you usually do, consider condensing your workout, or doing something like our 20 minute exercise plan in the interim. Image remixed from Taylor Medlin (The Noun Project) and Leremy (Shutterstock).

5. Keep Political Conversations Civil

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysIf every member of your extended family has the same political beliefs?or is similarly apathetic?consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us, the holidays can be particularly tense, especially during an election year. When someone inevitably brings up politics, make sure you know your stuff, stay rational, and do whatever you can to keep the conversations civil?including changing the subject if you have to. The last thing you want is dinner turning into a rude sparring match between family members. Photo remixed from Mae Chevrette.

4. Deal with the Family Members that Drive You Crazy

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysSome family members?God love 'em?can just get on your nerves after awhile, and holidays are prime time for this stress to reach its boiling point. The most important thing you can do is slow down and relax. Remind yourself that you won't be dealing with them for long, and if things get a little heated, disengage and collect your thoughts. Remember to pick your battles, and you should make it through safe and sound (and if politics are involved, see #5). Photo by Lisa F. Young (Shutterstock).

3. Drop the Technology and Converse

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysRemember why you're here?to spend time with your family. The rules of cellphones and technology etiquette should apply doubly, even with those family members that drive you a little crazy. Put your phone in airplane mode, give your family and friends the attention they deserve, and you'll avoid coming off like a jerk?even if they're being ridiculous in their own ways. It's good practice for when you get back home, too. Image remixed from Krugloff (Shutterstock), Andressr (Shutterstock), The Noun Project.

2. Be a Courteous Guest (or Host)

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysNo matter how much you love your family and friends, things can get stressful when you're in such close quarters, so its up to you to be the perfect 21st century guest. Communicate with your hosts, clean up after yourself, and help them with whatever you can (see also #7). If you are in fact the host, there are things you can do to help, too?and things you can do to get rid of those that overstay their welcome. Photo by {Away until inspiration comes}.

1. Handle Family Tech Support Like a Champ

Top 10 Ways to Survive Going Home for the HolidaysYou all knew it was coming. You've probably been getting calls from siblings, parents, grandparents, and friends asking if you can help fix their computer when you come home for the holidays, and you're dreading it. Make this year the last year: fix their computer up and automate everything you can, so they don't have to call on you again the next time something goes wrong. Set them up with remote access, so if they do need you, you can troubleshoot remotely without doing it all at the end of the year. And if all else fails, drop out of the tech support role gracefully, and help them find someone else that'll help them. Photo by Steve Jurvetson.

Title image remixed from chert28 (Shutterstock).


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