Thursday 14 February 2013

Obama's Speech Will Play on GOP Disunion

The White House hints at the president's emphasis on the US economy. But expect well-aimed pokes at Republican opponents

Early strategic leaks from the White House of the state of the union address have attempted to nudge the coverage in the direction of the economy. This makes sense, the administration has positive numbers to point to "? 28 straight months of job growth, a dramatically improved stock market "? and his approval rating (inextricably linked to the economy) is inching upwards. At the same time, aides have apparently bemoaned coverage of the inaugural address as over-emphasizing the president's increased activism on social issues.

We'll know soon enough how much of this sub rosa chatter was a game of expectations-setting and media skid-greasing, but I suspect that the speech will sound less like an economic primer and more like the "come at me, bro" marker-setting that's come to characterize post-election Obama. I believe now the administration's second term is built on these gestures. Barack Obama's next four years has begun by rolling him out at Troller-in-Chief.?


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