Sunday 31 March 2013

Justin Bieber's monkey quarantined in Germany

BERLIN (AP) ? Justin Bieber had to leave a monkey in quarantine after landing in Germany last week without the necessary papers for the animal, an official said Saturday.

The 19-year-old singer arrived at Munich airport last Thursday. When he went through customs, he didn't have the documentation necessary to bring the capuchin monkey into the country, so the animal had to stay with authorities, customs spokesman Thomas Meister said.

Bieber performed in Munich on Thursday, beginning the latest leg of his European tour. He later tweeted: "Munich was a good time. And loud. The bus is headed to Vienna now. U coming?" He didn't mention the monkey.

The Canadian singer is giving several concerts in Austria and then in Germany over the next week.

Bieber had a trying stay in London recently. The star struggled with his breathing and fainted backstage at a show, was taken to a hospital and then was caught on camera clashing with a paparazzo. Days earlier, he was booed by his beloved fans when he showed up late to a concert.


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KKK rallies, protesting renaming of Memphis parks

A North Carolina-based faction of the Ku Klux Klan held a rally Saturday in Memphis to protest the renaming of three parks that had Confederate-themed names.

By Adrian Sainz,?Associated Press / March 31, 2013

As Memphis Police in riot gear line up, Alvianca McLemore holds a sign of love, while waiting for a KKK rally in Memphis, Tenn. Saturday. The Ku Klux Klan announced plans to protest in Memphis after the Memphis City Council renamed three Confederate-themed city parks in February.

Mark Weber/The Commercial Appeal/AP


About 60 members of the Ku Klux Klan rallied Saturday in Memphis to protest the renaming of three Confederate parks.

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The rally was peaceful, with no injuries or property damage and only one arrest for disorderly conduct, Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong said. The police presence was heavy in a closed-off section of downtown Memphis.

Klan members were bused to and from the protest and were relegated to a fenced-in section in front of the Shelby County courthouse. Some wore pointed white hoods and waved flags with the letters 'KKK' on them.

Police said an anti-Klan rally located in another fenced-in area about 100 yards away attracted 1,275 people throughout the day. Some chanted "KKK, go away."

A North Carolina-based faction of the Klan came to protest after the City Council voted to rename Nathan Bedford Forrest Park, Jefferson Davis Park and Confederate Park. Forrest was a slave trader, Confederate cavalryman and member of the first version of the Klan.

Bystander Veronica Milton, 37, viewed the protest as an educational experience, though she described the Klan's white supremacist message as sad.

"Everybody has different opinions, different voices," said Milton, who is black. "There's nothing wrong with seeing things from every side."

A family-themed event organized to counter the rally at a separate location featured more than 1,500 people who ate from food trucks, listened to live music and attended a diversity workshop.


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7 industries that prey on our weaknesses?

You're delusional.

No, it's OK, we all are.

Think about your gym, which you visit so infrequently you?re practically making a charity donation to Bally Total Fitness. Or the diet cleanse you spent $100 on ... when you could have paid $30 in healthy groceries that would have also done the trick.

Don?t kick yourself?you?re not alone in falling prey to these marketing ploys. There?s a reason that, for instance, the burgeoning ?enhanced waters? beverage category (think Vitamin Water) has become a $1.5 billion industry.

By playing on our delusions and our fears, companies tempt us to shell out for needless items, and that can wreak havoc on our finances.

Watch out for these seven industries that profit from our insecurities?and find out how to resist their ploys.

Pet products
Americans spent an estimated $53 billion on their pets in 2012, a number that's grown nearly 30 percent in the past five years, even as the economy tanked. Last Halloween, pet owners were projected to spend $370 million on their pets' Halloween costumes?a 40 percent increase from 2010.

Several factors account for the rise in pet spending: Americans have a third fewer friends than they did 20 years ago and the number of Americans living alone?one in seven?is at an all-time high. These trends partly explain why about four in five animal owners think of their pets as children, and 58 percent even call themselves the "mommy" or "daddy" of their pets.

This higher status of pets in the eyes of their owners has even resulted in one million dogs being named beneficiaries in their owners' wills.

Tip: Be realistic about how much your pet costs, and be sure to budget for any extra splurges or treats. As for whether to name your beloved pet in your will?that depends on what you think of its money-managing skills.

No industry plays on the chasm between what we do and what we wish we did better than the $21 billion fitness club industry. At the beginning of a fitness push, we are all too happy to hand over a hefty membership fee and sign a yearlong contract, hoping the sunk cost will encourage us to create whole new selves.

But the reality is that 67 percent of people with gym memberships never use them. Even those who go to the gym regularly are paying a lot more than they imagined: A University of California, Berkeley study showed that people who signed up for a monthly gym membership ended up paying 70 percent more than they could have paid on a pay-per-visit plan available at the same club.

The reason? ?Overconfidence about future self-control,? say the researchers. In other words: Delusion.

Tip: If this is you, find out the best workouts for you and your budget. Even if you do use the gym, make sure you're getting the best deal possible: comparison shop, use a competitor's price to get a deal at your preferred gym, or sign up for a yearlong membership to get the best possible rate.

Health and diet food
In 2011, the market for vitamins and supplements was $28 billion?despite a lack of solid research proving their effectiveness. In fact, most of our food is fortified with nutrients, so once-common deficiency diseases are now rare. Most researchers say that unless you're pregnant or elderly or have an identified deficiency, you don't need supplements and that a balanced diet is the best source of nutrients.

As for the weight-loss market, which in 2010 was worth $60 billion, several studies show that dieting actually consistently correlates with future weight gain.

Tip: If you're a sucker for vitamins and supplements, don't pay a premium for packaged foods making health claims; eat these superfoods instead. And if you think your ticket to weight loss is a diet program, consider preparing meals from fresh, whole ingredients and setting up a regular exercise routine to do it on your own instead.

Electronics rebates and warranties
Electronics stores often advertise a new gadget?s price as though you already received all the mail-in rebates. But a Consumer Reports survey found that fewer than half of people always or often cash in on rebate offers, and a full quarter never do. Even among those who sent in for their rebates, 21 percent said they never received them.

Additionally, extended warranties and insurance plans for smartphones sound so sensible. But they're almost never a good deal, consumer advocates warn. The extended warranty business itself generates $15 billion a year of almost pure profit, playing on our innate urge to avoid losses even if we could financially afford to replace the object.

And consider this: By the time the manufacturer's warranty ends on your phone, laptop or other high-tech gizmo, you'll probably want to upgrade to a newer model or the replacement price will have dropped, making the extended warranty moot.

Tip: Before you rush to take advantage of a deal you can only get with rebates, ask yourself: Are you going to fill in and mail every form?

And next time the cashier asks you if you want to pay 10 to 50 percent extra for an extended warranty, just say no.

According to a recent survey, a woman owns 22 garments she never wears.

And that adds up: Americans spend $331 billion a year on clothing (which works out to $1,100 per person a year). While every once in a while we all really do need a new item of clothing, you could probably easily identify a number of pieces in your closet that you never wear?and they probably add up to a lot of wasted dollars.

How does this happen? We tend to invest in the same items over and over (whether ten black sweaters or a dozen flirty sundresses). Another problem: We buy for the life we want to have?cocktail dresses for parties we never go to or fancy new workout clothes for the gym we never visit.

Tip: Host a clothing swap to get rid of the chaff in your closet and bring fresh inspiration in, and go on a clothing fast for six months to force yourself to get creative with what you have. Need some ideas? See how one editor dressed herself for one month with just six items of clothing.

Cleaning products
Do you buy different cleaners for your floors, your furniture, your bathroom and your windows? Then you can understand how the cleaning product industry rakes in $52 billion a year.

Commercials for household disinfectants and other cleaning products would have you believe that illness-causing germs linger on every surface. But experts warn that routine use of disinfectants is not only unnecessary but harmful, especially when harsh chemicals are used.

Tip: You can get your home sparkly-clean?and with less harm to the environment?using inexpensive combinations of baking soda and vinegar. In fact, we can show you how to tackle 40 household tasks with just these five everyday products.

Baby products
Certain baby products really do ensure infant safety, like car seats. But companies also milk extra money out of parents' desires to give their kids the most organic, least toxic, most brain-enhancing food, toys, clothing, bedding and more.

Previous generations somehow survived infancy without shopping cart liners, video baby monitors, tiny shade tents for sunny days at the park and many of other items that make up the $7 billion Americans spend on today's babies.

Tip: Stick to essentials and learn how to save on baby stuff with these 12 tips. Want to really overhaul the way you handle the baby portion of your budget? Check out our Baby on Board Bootcamp, which explains what you should buy new, what you can get used and which safety considerations really matter.

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7 Ways Money Memories Can Affect Your Finances

7 Financial Hacks Everyone Should Know About

8 Money Habits That Are Holding You Back

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Mozilla to bring console-quality 3D games to Firefox browser ...


3D gaming on a browser? Count us in. At this year?s?Game Developers Conference, Mozilla revealed that it?s working on a technology that could have us playing high-end, console-quality games on the?Firefox browser?without the need for any plugins and installations. Making this possible is?OdinMonkey ? an optimized version of JavaScript currently found on Firefox Nightly that are browser builds for testing purposes.?

A blog post from Mozilla announcing the project describes the highly optimized JavaScript as something that ?supercharges a developer?s gaming code in the browser to enable visually compelling, fast, 3D gaming experiences on the Web.? The project is being developed along with game developer Epic, so it?s no surprise that Mozilla ported Epic?s Unreal Engine on Firefox to demo a game called Citadel?(shown in the video below). It took Epic a total of four days to tweak the gaming engine to work on Firefox. The demo will be available for download online, but the company didn?t mention whether it will commercially release the Unreal Engine for Firefox browsers in the future.?

Mozilla hasn?t only been building this for its desktop version of Firefox, it?s also planning to bring the technology over to the browser?s mobile version for iOS, Android, and of course, Firefox OS. That means you may soon be able to play Web-based 3D games ? along with your arsenal of app games ? on your phones and tablets. Good luck getting any work done!

In addition to Epic Games, Mozilla has also been working with EA, Disney, and?ZeptoLab to port games to Firefox browsers.?The features are expected to roll out bundled with a stable build sometime in June, so we?ll probably hear more about what games will be available from the get-go as the launch date approaches.?


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Futile pot raid follows indoor gardening, spurs lawsuit - KansasCity ...

A Leawood couple says heavily armed Johnson County deputies barged into their home last year, turning it upside down and detaining them and their children for more than two hours in a fruitless search for marijuana.

?This is how we were awakened: banging, pounding, screaming,? the mother, Adlynn Harte, said Friday. ?My husband opened the door right before the battering ram was set to take it out.?

The father allegedly was forced to lie shirtless on the foyer while a deputy with an assault rifle stood over him. The children, a 7-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy, reportedly came out of their bedrooms terrified, the teenager with his hands in the air.

And all because the couple, Robert and Adlynn Harte, bought indoor gardening equipment to grow a small number of tomato and squash plants in their basement, according to a lawsuit filed this week. The equipment was never used for marijuana, the couple says, and no one in the family has ever used illegal drugs.

Nearly a year after the SWAT-style raid, the Hartes still don?t know what evidence deputies used to persuade a judge to grant a warrant to search their home in the 10300 block of Wenonga Lane on April 20. Their requests for records that could provide such information have been denied by the sheriff?s office.

The lawsuit filed Thursday asks the court to order the release of the records. The information revealed could be used in a federal civil rights lawsuit.

?You can?t send out the SWAT team because people are trying to grow tomatoes in their basement,? Robert Harte told The Star.

Cheryl Pilate represents the couple, who met while both worked for the CIA and, according to Adlynn Harte, had top-secret security clearances.

?This was an egregious overreach, and there was no basis for the search,? Pilate said. ?These are highly educated and very patriotic people. They feel very strongly about it.?

Tom Erickson, a spokesman for the Johnson County Sheriff?s Office, declined to confirm the raid or discuss the allegations in the lawsuit Friday.

?We?ll let it play out in court,? he said.

The 7:30 a.m. raid was part of a highly publicized series of raids conducted on a day that is known to some as a marijuana holiday. After the raids, the sheriff?s office publicly declared the initiative a success, saying that they had confiscated 43 marijuana plants and one pound of marijuana.

But ?there was no acknowledgment in the Sheriff?s Department announcement that at least one of the raids had revealed no evidence of any kind of drug activity,? the lawsuit said.

Adlynn Harte said that after the deputies entered the home and asked for the children, she followed them downstairs.

?They made me and the children sit cross-legged against the wall in the foyer while my husband was face-down with his hands behind his head,? she said.

Once deputies searched the couch, the family was allowed to sit there. At first, they thought the authorities had simply come to the wrong house. But then the search went on and on ? every cupboard, every closet and into the attic, Robert Harte said.

Deputies told the Hartes that they had the couple under surveillance for months prior to the raid. But the Hartes ?know of no basis for conducting such surveillance, nor do they believe such surveillance would have produced any facts supporting the issuance of a search warrant,? the lawsuit said.

Over the course of the raid, the deputies appeared to get frustrated that they weren?t finding anything, the suit said. The suit also said deputies ?made rude comments? and implied their son was using marijuana. After two hours, they brought in a drug-sniffing dog, but still found nothing.

Pilate said the search should have been finished in minutes instead of hours.

?They would have known in the first minute if they would have checked the equipment and seen the tomato plants,? she said. ?This was a hydroponic garden on the level of a school project, with just a few plants and inexpensive lights. It was nothing.?

Afterward, they gave the Hartes a receipt stating, ?No items taken.? The Hartes said they never received an apology.

?It was just egregious. It was outrageous,? Robert Harte said.

The incident was so embarrassing, Adlynn Harte said, that her husband went around the neighborhood, showing everyone the receipt.

But the Hartes want more information than a receipt. They believe the information they are seeking is in the public interest.

?This is about government accountability,? Pilate said. ?These folks have a right to know why they were targeted and why they were allegedly surveilled.?

The family has lived in their Leawood home since 2004. They moved to Kansas City in 1999. Adlynn Harte works at Waddell and Reed, a financial planning and management firm; Robert Harte works in the home, caring for the children, one of whom is home-schooled.

Pilate said she has learned through her own investigation that deputies routinely generate leads for their marijuana raids by watching stores that sell hydroponic equipment.

?With little or no evidence of any illegal activity, law enforcement officers make the assumption that shoppers at the store are potential marijuana growers, even though the stores are most commonly frequented by backyard gardeners who grow organically or start seedlings indoors,? the lawsuit said.

Robert Harte said that several times over a year and a half, family members had visited such a store in the River Market area, but bought only small amount of equipment. And they paid with a credit card.

Their gardening efforts weren?t going well, he said, so they sometimes consulted a clerk there for advice.

Adlynn Hart said the family has the ?utmost respect? for law enforcement, but wants to make sure that tax dollars are properly used and that other families ? with fewer resources than the Hartes have ? aren?t subjected to similar tactics.

?We feel llike it?s un-American and we need to do something about it,? Adlynn Harte said. ?I told my son last night that doing the right thing takes courage.?


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Friday 29 March 2013

What Can A SEO Internet Site Promotion Do For You ...

SEO stands for search engine marketing and if you have a website that is selling services, then this really is what you want for your website. Your website is wanted by you to look at the top of engine results pages when someone types in a specific keyword, SEO internet site offers can help you make it. Studies prove that staying at the most effective of se pages get a definitely better get back on the investment in comparison to conventional types of advertising. It is said by the others that SEO website promotion is the only fool proof method? to certain the top 10 placement on the page. Se?s use two kinds of entries, those that are covered, generally by paid links, one other is normal. Natural se?s listings are those who appear down the middle of the site. Spider-driven search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN use robots or crawlers to report web sites over the Internet. Robots may spider or crawl over each site and keep a tally of pages centered on how pertinent they are. Your website position within any spider driven se originates from many variables such as link acceptance, thickness and frequency of key words in page material, HTML code, site themeing alongside more things that are too many to count here. You want your web site situated well on the list of major search engines and a SEO web site advertising may do this for you.

Both most influential Search Engine Optimisation web site advertising factors you should use to greatly help your web site are Link Popularity and Page Content. Link Popularity: Google?s database currently has about 4 million pages which makes it the most popular spider-driven search engine on the Internet today. When Google spiders the Web, it finds sites by traveling through links and the more sites that link to you, the more important these search-engines feel your content to be. So your emphasis should really be on getting as many crucial web sites that you can to url to your site, and the more hits your site get, the more sales you can make, if that is what your site is about. There are many approaches to do this: exchange links with business partners and market related sites, submit to online directories, or participate in Link Constructing.. Site Content: The search engine spiders only index through text and will utilize the content in your site to determine what your site is all about and this will help determine how popular your site will be placed for particular keyword phrases when someone types them right into a search engine. For this reason keyword study is so important to obtaining top search engine placement. In order to get the top spot in search results, your going to need to know how many individuals are looking for your keywords and also to see what sort of competition you?re facing while hoping to get a spot in the search results. A Search Engine Optimisation internet site promotion may be the most readily useful thing that could eventually your site, so why would not you want it?

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HTC European boss Florian Seiche leaving for Nokia [Updated]

Florian Seiche

HTC EMEA President to join Nokia as head of European sales from June, HTC UK head Phil Blair to take over

Update: HTC has confirmed Seiche's exit, and says former VP of Product and Operations Phil Blair has taken over as its new EMEA head in addition to overseeing HTC's UK arm. We've got the company's official statement after the break.

Original story: Bloomberg is reporting that Florian Seiche, EMEA President at HTC, will be joining Nokia as head of European sales from June 15. Seiche, a familiar sight at European HTC press conferences, has been with the company since 2005, prior to which he served as Director of Devices at Orange. According to Bloomberg, Nokia's own EMEA head Shiv Shivakumar is leaving the company, to be replaced by its VP of smart devices for the Americas, Arto Nummela.

HTC and Nokia are in the midst of difficult times, as both are squeezed by fierce competition from Samsung and Apple. HTC in particular has seen dwindling sales and market share as a result to the meteoric rise of Samsung in the Android space. By comparison, Nokia recently returned to profitability, but its long-term fate is tied to that of Microsoft's Windows Phone OS.

Source: Bloomberg

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The most likely buyer of Nokia or BlackBerry now in talks to acquire NEC?s handset unit

Lenovo NEC RumorLenovo

Reuters is reporting that Lenovo?(LNVGY), the Chinese electronics giant, is in talks to acquire NEC?s mobile phone unit. Lenovo has been speculated to be in talks with both Nokia (NOK) and BlackBerry (BBRY) over the past two years. Various brokerages have claimed that it is negotiating to buy Nokia?s feature phone unit, Nokia?s Lumia phone unit or BlackBerry?s hardware operations. If Lenovo ends up buying the NEC handset operations, it would acquire a technologically highly sophisticated operation with a minuscule annual production volume of roughly 4 million units.

[More from BGR: iPhone 5S announcement rumored for June 20th, launch in July]

The acquisition would open the door for the world?s No. 2 PC vendor to try to execute an aggressive cross-over to smartphone market ? Lenovo would presumably be well positioned to ramp up smartphone volumes rapidly. This would mean that the most likely buyer of Nokia or BlackBerry would gobble up a much cheaper and more easily integrated alternative.

[More from BGR: Google?s ?Babble? cross-platform messaging service gets detailed in purported leak]

NEC enjoyed its halcyon days around 2001, when its global mobile phone market share briefly spiked close to 10% and hit double digits in Germany and the United Kingdom. That was the period when i-mode was the hottest buzzword in the mobile telecom industry and Japanese vendors like Sony (SNE), Panasonic and NEC were making big gains in Europe and North America. The Japanese vendors were badly dented by the phone industry downturn in 2001-2003 and mostly retreated from the global competition to their home market.

Lenovo is one of China?s most ambitious electronics companies; its acquisition of IBM?s (IBM) PC business made it the world?s second largest personal computer brand. The company has come to regret that purchase, however: Soon after it snapped up the PC division it became obvious that smartphones would become the most important consumer electronics category and that the PC was entering its twilight era.

China and India are now bursting with smartphone brands with heady global growth numbers. Huawei, Micromax, Spice, Karbonn and others are enjoying 80%-plus volume growth by capitalizing on one of biggest trends in the industry as growth has shifted from North America and Europe to South-East Asia and China. Until now, Lenovo has watched the triumphant expansion of these upstarts silently seething. The giant may now be ready to make its move.

Ironically, Lenovo just might be about to repeat the timing mistake it made with its big personal computer acquisition. Global smartphone volume growth has slowed from over 50% to about 35% in just a year. Growth in North America and Europe is sputtering badly right now. If Lenovo buys the NEC phone division and starts to ramp up seriously in 2014, it just might enter the global smartphone competition just when the volume growth falls below 25% amidst intensifying competition.

This article was originally published on


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Thursday 28 March 2013

Lawyers for James Holmes offer guilty plea

By Keith Coffman Chris Frantz

DENVER (Reuters) - Defense attorneys for the former graduate student accused of killing 12 people at a Denver area movie theater last July have offered to have him plead guilty in exchange for a life prison term, according to court documents filed on Wednesday.

Public defenders for James Holmes, 25, said in the Arapahoe County District Court filing that prosecutors have so far not accepted the offer, which would spare their client the death penalty in one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history.

Holmes faces multiple counts of first-degree murder and attempted murder stemming from the July 20 massacre at a showing of the Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises" in Aurora, Colorado that also wounded 58 people.

Arapahoe County District Attorney George Brauchler has said that he would formally inform the court during a hearing scheduled for Monday whether his office would seek the death penalty against Holmes.

Brauchler has not made his decision public, but in February announced that he had added a death penalty lawyer to the prosecution team.

All three of Colorado's death row inmates were convicted and sentenced in Arapahoe County. At a state legislative hearing earlier in March, Brauchler testified in favor of keeping the death penalty on the books in Colorado.

A spokeswoman for the Arapahoe County District Attorney's Office could not be reached for comment on Wednesday afternoon.

"Prior to arraignment, Mr. Holmes made an offer to the prosecution to resolve the case by pleading guilty and spending the rest of his life in prison without the opportunity for parole," lawyers for Holmes say in the papers.

Holmes was arraigned on March 12. At that hearing, Arapahoe County District Judge William Sylvester entered a not guilty plea on his behalf after defense attorneys said they were not prepared to enter a plea.


In Wednesday's pleading, defense lawyers said that if prosecutors agree to take the death penalty off the table for Holmes the case could be resolved at Monday's hearing.

Attorneys for the former University of Colorado neuroscience graduate student, who surrendered to officers outside the theater minutes after the shooting rampage, had been expected to mount an insanity defense on his behalf at trial.

"As previously stated in court, counsel for Mr. Holmes are still exploring a mental health defense, and counsel will vigorously present and argue any and all appropriate defenses at a trial or sentencing proceeding as necessary," defense lawyers said in the court papers.

"Nevertheless, Mr. Holmes is currently willing to resolve the case to bring the proceedings to a speedy and definite conclusion for all involved," the defense said.

Lawyers for Holmes have said in court filings that their client has been hospitalized twice since his arrest, once after hitting his head against a cell wall.

Holmes was also held in restraints for several days at a psychiatric hospital in November after jail officials determined he was a threat to himself, according to his defense team.

In a separate written ruling on Wednesday, Sylvester denied a request by Fox News journalist Jana Winter to postpone her testimony, scheduled for Monday, about confidential sources she cited in a story about the shooting rampage.

Sylvester ordered Winter to take the witness stand as he tries to determine who leaked information to the New York-based journalist despite a gag order he issued in the case.

Winter's attorneys sought a delay while she filed an appeal of Sylvester's ruling on the grounds that she was protected against revealing her sources by New York's shield law for journalists.

(Reporting by Keith Coffman and Chris Frantz; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Ellen Wulfhorst, Tim Dobbyn and Cynthia Osterman)


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Better-educated parents feed children fewer fats and less sugar

Mar. 27, 2013 ? The level of education of parents has an influence on the frequency with which their children eat foods linked to obesity. The children of parents with low and medium levels of education eat fewer vegetables and fruit and more processed products and sweet drinks.

An international group of experts from eight European countries have analysed the relation between parents' levels of education and the frequency with which their children eat food linked to overweight.

The Identification and prevention of dietary- and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants (IDEFICS) study includes data from 14,426 children aged between two and nine from eight European countries: Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Hungary, Germany and Spain.

The results published in the journal Public Health Nutrition confirm that parents with a lower level of education feed their children food rich in sugars and fats more often than those parents with a higher level of education, who feed their children more products of a higher nutritional quality, including vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice and wholemeal bread.

"The greatest differences among families with different levels of education are observed in the consumption of fruit, vegetables and sweet drinks," explains Juan Miguel Fern?ndez Alvira, the author of the work and researcher from the University of Zaragoza to SINC.

For the authors, this implies a greater risk of developing overweight and obesity in children from less advantaged socio-cultural groups. "The programmes for the prevention of childhood obesity through the promotion of healthy eating habits should specifically tackle less advantaged social and economic groups, in order to minimise inequalities in health," concludes Fern?ndez Alvira.

Childhood nutrition

Childhood, from two to fourteen years old, is a growth period during which the requirements for energy and nutrients increase. Nevertheless, the World Health Organisation warns of the importance of monitoring the diet of the youngest members of society, as almost 40 million children under the age of five suffered from overweight in 2010.

In fact, recommendations for children over two do not differ greatly from those for adults. Their diet should include cereals, fruit, vegetables, dairy products, lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs and nuts.

Dieticians and nutritionists recommend that parents offer children a wide variety of foods and avoid using food as a method to award or punish behaviour. Experts believe that this age group can decide how much to eat, provided the food is always healthy and nutritious.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Plataforma SINC, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Juan Miguel Fern?ndez-Alvira, Theodora Mouratidou, Karin Bammann, Antje Hebestreit, Gianvincenzo Barba, Sabina Sieri, Lucia Reisch, Gabriele Eiben, Charalampos Hadjigeorgiou, Eva Kovacs, Inge Huybrechts, Luis A Moreno. Parental education and frequency of food consumption in European children: the IDEFICS study. Public Health Nutrition, 2012; 16 (03): 487 DOI: 10.1017/S136898001200290X

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Breeders Sound 'Pretty Good' At 20th Anniversary Tour Warm-Up

'I enjoy doing old stuff,' singer Kim Deal tells MTV News before Wednesday night's show in Newport, Kentucky.
By Gil Kaufman, with additional reporting by James Montgomery

The Breeders' Kim Deal
Photo: Tim Mosenfelder/ Getty Images


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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Italian court orders new trial for Amanda Knox

ROME (AP) ? Italy's highest criminal court on Tuesday overturned Amanda Knox's acquittal in the slaying of her British roommate and ordered a new trial, prolonging a case that has become a cause celebre in the United States.

Knox called the decision "painful" but said she was confident that she would be exonerated.

Italian law cannot compel Knox to return for the new trial, and her lawyer said she had no plans to do so. The appellate court hearing the new case could declare her in contempt of court but that carries no additional penalties.

Italy's Court of Cassation ruled that an appeals court in Florence must re-hear the case against the American student and her former Italian boyfriend for the murder of 21-year-old Meredith Kercher. The exact issues that have to be reconsidered won't be known until the court releases its full ruling within 90 days.

Knox, now a student at the University of Washington, stayed up until 2 a.m. Seattle time to hear her fate and issued a statement through a family spokesman.

"It was painful to receive the news that the Italian Supreme Court decided to send my case back for revision when the prosecution's theory of my involvement in Meredith's murder has been repeatedly revealed to be completely unfounded and unfair," she said.

Knox said the matter must now be examined by "an objective investigation and a capable prosecution."

"No matter what happens, my family and I will face this continuing legal battle as we always have, confident in the truth and with our heads held high in the face of wrongful accusations and unreasonable adversity," Knox said.

Knox, now 25, and Raffaele Sollecito, who turned 29 on Tuesday, were arrested shortly after Kercher's body was found in a pool of blood in November 2007 in her bedroom. Kercher, whose throat had been slashed, had shared an apartment with Knox and others in Perugia, an Italian university town where the two women were exchange students.

Prosecutors alleged Kercher was the victim of a drug-fueled sex game gone awry. Knox and Sollecito denied wrongdoing and said they weren't even in the apartment that night, although they acknowledged they had smoked marijuana and their memories were clouded.

An Ivory Coast man, Rudy Guede, was convicted of the slaying in a separate proceeding and is serving a 16-year sentence. Knox and Sollecito were also initially convicted of the murder and given long prison sentences, but were then acquitted on appeal and released in 2011.

The high court's ruling Tuesday overturned the appeals court acquittals.

"She thought the nightmare was over," Knox attorney Carlo Dalla Vedova said after the decision was released.

The court on Tuesday also upheld a slander conviction against Knox. During a 14-hour police interrogation, Knox had accused a local Perugia pub owner of carrying out the killing. The man was held for two weeks based on her allegations, but was then released for lack of evidence.

Dalla Vedova said Knox wouldn't come to Italy "for the moment" but would follow the case from home. He said he didn't think the new appeals trial would begin before early 2014.

It is unclear what would happen if Knox was convicted in a new appeals trial.

"If the court orders another trial, if she is convicted at that trial and if the conviction is upheld by the highest court, then Italy could seek her extradition," Dalla Vedova said Monday.

It would then be up to the United States to decide if it honors the request. U.S. and Italian authorities could also come to a deal that would keep Knox in the United States.

The appeals court that acquitted Knox and Sollecito in 2011 criticized virtually the entire case mounted by prosecutors. The appellate court noted that the murder weapon was never found, said that DNA tests were faulty and that prosecutors provided no murder motive.

It's not clear what part of the appeals sentence was faulted by the high court in ordering a new trial.

Kercher's family attorney, Francesco Maresca, said after Tuesday's ruling: "Yes, this is what we wanted."

Sollecito's attorney, Giulia Bongiorno, noted that Tuesday's ruling was not a determination of guilt but merely a need for further study of the appeals court ruling.

"It's a decision that cancels a verdict and orders a retrial," she said. "I'm not concerned about a deeper reading of the documentation, because I know the documentation."

She acknowledged that perhaps the appeals court ruling had been "too generous" in ruling that the pair simply did not commit the crime, but was confident that Sollecito's innocence would be affirmed.

In her statement, Knox took the Perugia prosecutors to task, saying they "must be made to answer" for the discrepancies in the case. She said "my heart goes out to" Kercher's family.

After nearly four years behind bars in Italy, Knox returned to her hometown of Seattle after the 2011 acquittal and Sollecito resumed his computer science studies, following the degree he earned while studying in prison.

Italy's judicial system allows for two levels of appeals, and prosecutors can appeal acquittals.

Although the court on Monday heard gruesome details, including how Kercher choked on her own blood, it wasn't ruling on the guilt or innocence of the defendants. Its sole task was to decide if the appellate trial was properly conducted.

Dalla Vedova had argued Monday that the slander verdict against Knox should be thrown out because she was questioned without a lawyer even though police essentially treated the student as a suspect in their 14-hour interrogation session.

Because of time she served in prison before the appeals-level acquittals, Knox didn't have to serve time for the slander conviction.


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ICANN Trademark Clearinghouse: Preregistration Rights Only For ...

Starting today, trademark owners from around the world will be able to have their rights recorded in the Trademark Clearinghouse of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Designed to help trademark owners manage the flood of new internet domains being launched by ICANN, it?s an open question whether they will be satisfied with it.

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH), active on 26 March at California-based ICANN, was created in an effort to prepare for a wave of new top-level domains (TLDs) expected to go live over the coming years. More choice for users from hundreds of new address zones like .web, .paris or .xinwen could result in chaos for trademark owners, Jan Corstens, partner at Deloitte, the chosen provider for the TMCH, told Intellectual Property Watch.

Having their data recorded in the Clearinghouse, Deloitte consultant Jonathan Robinson explained to Intellectual Property Watch, ?does not secure them their name in every single registry. Every single registry will have its own policy.? One registry policy might limit registration in a zone to entities based in Africa, for instance, while another might only be open to a certain language or community group.

At the same time, where registration is open to everybody, a rights owner might face a long list of records in the TMCH for the same mark. Auction, the experts say, might in the end be the fairest way to decide about who will be able to register the name during what is called the sunrise phase.

Clearinghouse No Fix for Mismatch

Sunrise phases were introduced for the first launches of new TLDs 10 years ago to allow trademark owners to run first and stem the tide of domain grabbers and name pirates ? but it came at a huge difficulty for the registries inexperienced in checking the validity of marks. Deloitte has trained over a hundred experts to be able to check the validity of marks in (nearly) every country on earth, Corstens said, though, ?Will I get marks in Urdu and from Ethiopia in different scripts?,? he did not know.

Checking the validity of the mark and allowing nationally or internationally (and court-) registered trademarks to sit in a global database which is managed under a separate contract by IBM is the core service of the TMCH. The Clearinghouse ?does not create new rights,? Robinson underlined. It is, so to speak, no fix for the fundamental mismatch between the domain name system which secures universality for one domain name owner only and the trademark system that allows for protection in national or regional areas and under different classes.

What the Clearinghouse offers is validation and additional services in a special environment which do not come with classical trademark rights, Corstens said. Besides the sunrise service, there is a trademark claims service ? a kind of early warning system to a registrant aiming at registering a trademarked name not taken earlier.

The registrant after acknowledging he has been notified ? with a dispute ongoing if IP addresses for this session can be stored by the registrars under strict EU data protection legislation ? can still continue with registration, but cannot claim anymore to not be aware of the protection. If the domain is registered, the right owner is notified and can choose what to do, the experts said.

Trademark owners would have liked to extend this kind of service indefinitely, but ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade just announced that while ICANN will extend the claims service 90 days into the general registration phase, the organisation would let go an extended ?Claims 2? provision.

A possible result, said Torsten Bettinger, domain and trademark law expert and WIPO Uniform Dispute Resolution Procedure (UDRP) panellist: ?Violation of the trademark right will then happen after 90 days.? Bettinger expects no further changes in the short run, if not governments will step up for more protection yet again. Changes to trademark services in the future are possible, said Robinson, who also acknowledged that some trademark owners might never be fully satisfied ?to that extent that there is a group of people who always want more.?

Obliged to Pay for Trademark Protection?

Reaction to the TMCH services from rights owners is not yet clear. How many will record their marks and pay US$145 per domain? Starting from 1000 trademarks or three-year registration a discount is offered. Robinson said that the records are obligatory to be eligible for sunrise pre-registration.

It is still up to interpretation, said Johannes Lenz-Hawliczek, spokesman for, if registries could also acknowledge pre-registration rights for non-TMCH recorded marks. ?We think you can provide for that in your registration policy,? he wrote in reply to questions from Intellectual Property Watch.

On the other hand, the registration policy also could make TMCH validation a pre-condition for sunrise rights, Bettinger argued. ?The whole issue is, ICANN left it to the registries, what they will do,? he said.

A question also addressed down the road will be whether ICANN will allow trademark owners to choose from a variety of Trademark Clearing Services and have competition in the field. ICANN?s management retroactively settled for a hard split between the service provider (Deloitte) and the database provider (IBM), negotiating a separate contract with IBM. With the database of recorded trademarks under direct contract, ICANN has paved the way for opening up competition on the service level, even if it is still very much open if the organisation will go for it.

Deloitte Partner Corstens points to the need to first evaluate the potential impact on consistency of validation and integrity of data if there is are more validating agencies. Also the currently capped flat-rate pricing would have to be reconsidered, Corstens said. If another provider for example only offered services to an easy-to-validate niche, Deloitte could be compelled to reduce the price in the developed countries, and raise the price for more cost-intensive developing countries, something ICANN tried to avoid in the first place.

In the short run, all parties seem to be looking for some stability in the ever-moving target of the new gTLD process. Chehade appealed to the community not to challenge the latest proposals he made with regard to the process, including a 30-day notice period before sunrise and the extension of the trademark claim service to abuse names. With the first 30 non-Latin TLDs just through the ICANN?s general evaluation report, the first TLDs could be introduced to the root zone in early summer, according gTLD Director Christine Willet.

So will a lot of TLDs start their sunrise phase soon? Yes, said Willet, if there are no competing applications and the string is ?in contention,? if it does not have any objection and if it was not a recipient of GAC advice, they could go on to pre-delegation testing and contracting with ICANN. These are some ifs to consider.

What an ?if? could look like can be seen in the first list of the ?Legal Rights Objection? that is being addressed at the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre where the globally operating pharmaceutical companies Merck KGaA (Germany) and Merck & Co. (US) are trying to get their names as a TLD respectively.



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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Dear Snooki: Sorry We Judged Your Mommy Skills!

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has celebrated another big mommy milestone: Her son Lorenzo's baptism.


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C. African Republic president flees to Cameroon

YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) ? The Cameroon government says the ousted president of Central African Republic has fled to Cameroon and is seeking "temporary" refuge before going to another country.

Cameroon's Secretary-General Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh said Monday that Central African Republic President Francois Bozize has sought refuge in Cameroon.

Ngoh Ngoh said Cameroon wants to see a quick return to peace and stability in the Central African Republic.

Rebels seized the capital of Central African Republic, Bangui, on Saturday.


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Humane Society Genesis Awards Honor Movers And Shakers For ...

The Drew Barrymore all-star cast feature film ?Big Miracle,? Stephen Colbert's satirical ?The Colbert Report,? David E. Kelley?s ?Harry?s Law,? "Rock Center with Brian Williams," Discovery Channel?s ?Ivory Wars,? ABC?s ?Nightline,? and global pop icon Ke$ha took home the honors in major news and entertainment media categories presented at The Humane Society of the United States? Genesis Awards Benefit Gala on Saturday, March 23, at The Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, Calif.

?Dancing with the Stars? popular judge and passionate animal advocate Carrie Ann Inaba hosted the ceremony.

Universal Picture?s ?Big Miracle? received best Feature Film for its inspiring true story about international efforts to save a family of trapped whales, Comedy Central?s ?The Colbert Report? picked up the Sid Caesar Comedy Award for its biting satire of a Congressman?s defense of dogfighting, and NBC?s ?Harry?s Law? won the Dramatic Series Award for a thought-provoking storyline questioning the ethics of keeping primates in captivity. Best TV Documentary went to Discovery?s ?Ivory Wars? for a penetrating look at the alarming escalation in elephant ivory trade, and the best TV Newsmagazine Award was shared between NBC?s ?Rock Center with Brian Williams,? for in-depth reporting on endangered orangutans and rhinos and the issue of chimps in research, and ABC?s ?Nightline? for an investigation into the shocking abuse of Tennessee Walking Horses by one of the industry?s best-known trainers.

Following in the footsteps of Genesis Award alumni Sir Paul McCartney, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Hayden Panettiere, Kristin Davis and Ian Somerhalder, platinum-selling recording artist Ke$ha received HSUS? coveted Wyler Award for her dedication to spreading the word about multiple animal protection issues to her massive international fan base. Bestowed on a celebrity or public figure for increasing awareness of animal issues via the media, the award was given to Ke$ha in recognition of her work to spread the word about street dogs, the trophy hunting of endangered lions, shark-finning, Canada?s commercial seal slaughter, dogfighting and cruelty-free cosmetics, among many other important animal welfare concerns.

In other categories, Nat Geo Channel?s ?Wild Justice? snagged best Reality Series, ABC?s "World News with Diane Sawyer" took the National News Award, ?CBS This Morning? picked up best Morning Show, and Los Angeles? ?KNBC 4 News? won the Local TV News prize.

?We are so grateful to the news and entertainment media for keeping animal protection issues firmly in their view in genres as diverse as comedy programming and documentaries. Concern for the welfare of animals has universal audience appeal, and since so much of what negatively impacts animals occurs out of sight, it?s important that these issues remain in the media spotlight,? said Beverly Kaskey, senior director of HSUS? Hollywood Outreach program and executive producer of The Genesis Awards.

Among those who attended were Carrie Ann Inaba, Ke$ha, Kaley Cuoco (Big Bang Theory), Wendie Malick (Hot in Cleveland), Constance Marie (Switched at Birth), Moby (Musician), Elaine Hendrix (Fetching), Jon Huertas (Castle), Seamus Dever (Castle), Bellamy Young (Scandal), Pauley Perrette (NCIS), Hal Sparks (Lab Rats), Michael Vartan (Hawthorne), Charlotte Ross (Glee), Vanessa Marano (Switched at Birth), Diane Warren (Songwriter), Katie Cleary (Deal or No Deal), Kimberly Elise (Bounce), Owain Yeoman (The Mentalist), Shannon Tweed (Reality Star), Laura Marano (Austin & Ally), Fiona Gubelmann (Wilfred), Lindsay Pulsipher (Justified), Sophie Tweed-Simmons (Gene Simmons: Family Jewels), Lisa Guerrero (Reporter), Tamar Geller (Dog Trainer), Leilani Munter (Nascar Driver), Nikki Boyer (Yahoo?s Daytime in No Time), Ted Lieu (CA State Senator), Jackson Galaxy (My Cat From Hell), JoAnne Worley (Comedian), Taylour Paige (Bounce), Officer Michele Budish (Wild Justice), Officer George Struble (Wild Justice), Ken Kwapis (Big Miracle), Tony Denison (Major Crimes), Dominic Scott Kay (Pirates of the Caribbean), Ana Garcia (KNBC 4), Lou Wegner (Trouble With The Curve), Sarah Whalen (Wild Justice) and many others!


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Monday 25 March 2013

FGCU becomes first 15 seed to reach round of 16

Florida Gulf Coast's Eric McKnight, from left, Chase Fieler, Brett Comer and Bernard Thompson celebrate after a dunk by McKnight late the second half of a third-round game against San Diego State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. Florida Gulf Coast won 81-71. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Florida Gulf Coast's Eric McKnight, from left, Chase Fieler, Brett Comer and Bernard Thompson celebrate after a dunk by McKnight late the second half of a third-round game against San Diego State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. Florida Gulf Coast won 81-71. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Florida Gulf Coast's Sherwood Brown, center, celebrates with teammates after their 81-71 win over San Diego State in a third-round game in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Michael Perez)

Florida Gulf Coast players celebrate after winning a third-round game against San Diego State in the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. Florida Gulf Coast won 81-71. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

Duke's Rasheed Sulaimon, left, goes up for a shot as Creighton's Avery Dingman defends during the second half of a third-round game of the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. Duke won 66-50. (AP Photo/Michael Perez)

Creighton's Doug McDermott, right, goes up for a shot against Duke's Amile Jefferson during the second half of a third-round game of the NCAA college basketball tournament, Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Philadelphia. Duke won 66-50. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

(AP) ? Florida Gulf Coast can only hope its second weekend in the NCAA tournament is as much fun as its first.

The little-known Eagles made NCAA tournament history Sunday night, becoming the first 15 seed to reach the Sweet 16 ? and they did it in style with a convincing 81-71 win over No. 7 San Diego State that had the Wells Fargo Center partying.

A couple of hours later, Duke joined them with a 66-50 win over Creighton ? and a decidedly more subdued postgame celebration.

Both will have a tough time next weekend.

Second-seeded Duke gets No. 3 Michigan State in the Midwest Regional semifinals, while FGCU ? the upstart state school ? plays the system's flagship university, third-seeded Florida, in the South Regional semifinals at Dallas.

"We got a lot of exposure this weekend and now I'm sure it'll be increased," FGCU coach Andy Enfield said in one of the understatements of the tournament. "If you watched us play and know the personalities, it won't be a problem. They enjoy themselves. I think it's important for them to take this in. I want all our players to take a couple deep breaths and say, 'Wow, we're in the Sweet 16, we've accomplished a lot.'"

The players ? and their new fans from Philadelphia ? had a blast in their first two NCAA tournament games: the 78-68 victory over second-seeded Georgetown that brought the Eagles (26-10) to the nation's attention and the impressive win over the seventh-seeded Aztecs.

"Words can't describe this feeling as being a 15 seed, the first 15 seed to ever do this," FGCU point guard Brett Comer said. "I don't think it's really sunk in to any of us yet. I feel like maybe it will tomorrow, but right now we're on such an emotional high it's hard to come down from."

The Eagles continued their high-flying act that resulted in some highlight-reel dunks, many on assists from Coomer, who finished with 10 points and 14 assists.

"We got on a run, and when we push the ball we get the crowd behind us and we get a dunk, and then we go to the other end and get a stop and another dunk, it's hard to try to turn the momentum back like that," Comer said.

The Eagles broke the game open against Georgetown with a 21-2 run in the second half. Against San Diego State it was a 17-0 run and when it was over the Eagles led 71-52 with 4:19 to play and the only decisions left were how the players and fans were going to celebrate.

"We're all about having fun and also playing really hard and that's something we like to do, we like to get the crowd involved," said Sherwood Brown, the A-Sun's player of the year, who had 17 points despite being saddled with foul trouble. "The whole crowd got behind us even if they are not from Fort Myers, or as I like to say, Dunk City."

Bernard Thompson had 23 points for the 16-year-old school from Fort Myers.

Jamal Franklin had 20 points and 11 rebounds for the Aztecs (23-11), who were trying to reach the regional semifinals for the second time in three years.

Franklin spoke with Brown after the game.

"I just told him just keep being the leader that he is, make sure the ball is in his hands, make sure he does what he has to do to keep his team rolling," Franklin said.

The Eagles shot 55.9 percent (33 of 59), including going 7 of 18 from 3-point range.

The Aztecs finished at 44.3 percent (27 of 61) and were 8 of 23 from beyond the arc.

"They play with a swagger, and they have a right to do that," said San Diego State coach Steve Fisher, who knows about players with that attitude having led the Fab Five to consecutive national championship games at Michigan. "You can have that look and feel, but you have to compete and play to earn your spurs, and they've done that."

Freshman Rasheed Sulaimon scored 21 points and Seth Curry added 17 as Duke advanced to the round of 16 for the fourth time in five years.

A year after they lost their NCAA tournament opener, the Blue Devils (29-5) are in the regional semifinal for the 23rd time after holding Creighton to 30.2 percent shooting (16 of 53), including 2 of 19 from 3-point range.

Mason Plumlee, Josh Hairston and Ryan Kelly battled foul trouble all game long that could have doomed the Blue Devils but seventh-seeded Creighton (28-8) never made a serious run in the second half.

Doug McDermott scored 21 points on 4-for-16 shooting and grabbed nine rebounds for the Bluejays, who were knocked out in the third round by an Atlantic Coast Conference team for the second straight season. Creighton lost to North Carolina last year.

Associated Press


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Loving Life: SRC Recipe: Crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage

Whoop's's time for the Secret Recipe Club Group D reveal. The Secret Recipe Club is a great group where each month we are assigned a "Secret" blog where we excitedly choose a recipe and then on our reveal date we share our recipes. My favorite part in the reveal is trying to guess who had my blog and seeing what they chose.?

I was so excited when I chose the recipe for my SRC Assignment. I actually have had this particular blog before. In September of 2012 I made this recipe from her blog. Emily's blog Life on food?is a great blog. Please take time to read her About me page.?It's great. She's quite an adventurous girl.

The recipe I chose was her Crockpot Corned Beef and Cabbage?. I have been craving Corned Beef and Cabbage for awhile now and so when I saw that she had a recipe for it, I thought "why not make this one." I was a bit nervous. I grew up eating corned beef, but have never made it myself. I had been googling recipes prior to this assignment so I combined a few ideas.?

Today is St. Patrick's Day (well, the day I'm writing this post) so I knew it was the perfect day to try this. Yah, it would have been nice had I thought about the fact that it takes longer than 8 hours to cook in a crockpot and I was making this on a Sunday morning with plans to eat lunch by 1:30. You do the math. But there was no turning back. I had invited company over. So I went for it. The end result was a great, tender dinner.?

The funny thing is, the recipe calls for beer. I don't drink anything alcohol so had no clue what to look for. I FB messaged a friend of mine for advice, then went to the store and stared dumbly at all the options. Yikes! I also ?opted to NOT buy an inexpensive brand of corned beef but instead chose to buy from our local Chucks Produce and Street Market. We are on a continual journey of healthier more aware eating and I wanted to know what we were eating. I purchased a brisket that is from a local farm (Oregon) called Painted Hills Beef. It was WAY more, but WAY worth it.?

Last night I prepped the onions and carrots, placed them in plastic bags to dump in the crockpot in the morning. Went to bed, set the alarm for 4:50 and couldn't fall asleep! Grr...but I survived and dinner was ready to go by 1:45. I even made Irish Soda Bread from Miz Helen's Country Cottage. She posted this recipe on last weeks reveal! I went all out! Yay!
Okay, enough of the babble...sorry, I'm tired. On with the recipe. I am putting Emily's ingredients with my additions in italics. I will post my instructions, so please click the above link to see her instructions. They don't differ much except for the order in which I added things to the crockpot. I know my crockpot and it cooks hot so I didn't add the veggies right away. Also, my corned beef didn't have a packet, but the seasonings were in with the beef so I didn't rinse it, but now thinking I should have because they were too strong for everyone.?
Crock Pot Corned Beef and Cabbage
Adapted from Life on Food


4 carrots peeled (I used a few more because there were 6 of us)
1 medium onion cut in to wedges
1 clove garlic (my addition)
4-6 red potatoes, quartered or halved depending on size
1 4lb corned beef brisket (mine was almost 3lbs.)
12 oz. Stout or Dark Ale (I used 8 oz. and 3 c. of water)
2 Tbs. sugar
2 Tbs. Vinegar
1 Tbs. Corned Beef spices or spice packet that comes with your corned beef
1 medium head of cabbage cut in wedges

1. Place onion and garlic in bottom of crockpot. Top with Corned Beef.

check out those spices...WOW! But I seriously should have left them out of the cooking's not fun to pick them out.

2. Combine beer, water, vinegar and sugar. Stir and pour over beef.?

3. Cook on low for 4 hours.?

4. Add Carrots and Potatoes to the top of beef. Cook another 4 hours or so.?
5. At the end, remove meat and veggies, cover with foil to keep warm. Add chopped cabbage to the liquid, cooking on high till it reaches desired consistency. Mine took about 20 minutes or so.?
*Notes: After I removed the meat, potatoes and carrots, I added some saurkraut to the top, and covered it with foil to keep warm, even put it in the oven for a few minutes.

I also cooked it for 4 hours on low and 4 hours on high because I didn't really have 9-10 hours for total cooking time. It came out perfectly moist and the veggies were just right.?

And again, I would have personally rinsed the beef off and NOT added anymore spices. I think the fact that this brisket sat in the spices in the package seasoned it enough.

Well, that's about it. Mark this recipe to make next St. Patty's Day, or before. ?

With Joy UNquenchable,


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Tampa Bay Lightning fire coach Guy Boucher

Ottawa Senators defenseman Marc Methot, right, checks Tampa By Lightning winger Martin St. Louis as Senators' Daniel Alfredsson watches during the second period of their NHL hockey game in Ottawa, Ontario, Saturday, March 23, 2013. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Fred Chartrand)

Ottawa Senators defenseman Marc Methot, right, checks Tampa By Lightning winger Martin St. Louis as Senators' Daniel Alfredsson watches during the second period of their NHL hockey game in Ottawa, Ontario, Saturday, March 23, 2013. (AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Fred Chartrand)

(AP) ? The Tampa Bay Lightning fired coach Guy Boucher on Sunday.

Assistants Martin Raymond and Dan Lacroix will share coaching responsibilities for Sunday night's game at Winnipeg.

"Guy has poured his heart and soul into the Lightning organization for these past three years and we appreciate all the work he has done," general manager Steve Yzerman said in a statement. "But ultimately I am not satisfied with the direction we are heading and I believe making a change today is in the best interest of our franchise."

Tampa Bay is next to last in the Eastern Conference with a 13-17-1 record. Boucher was hired as the Lightning's seventh coach on June 10, 2010.

Boucher's dismissal came one day after the Lightning fell behind by four goals in the first period of a 5-3 loss at Ottawa.

The Lightning appear headed toward missing the playoffs for the second consecutive season after reaching the Eastern Conference finals during Boucher's first year.

Tampa Bay entered this season with postseason aspirations after adding goalie Anders Lindback and defensemen Sami Salo and Matt Carle. Lindback and team captain Vincent Lecavalier have been among the players sidelined by injuries.

Associated Press


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