Saturday 18 February 2012

More Americans grow optimistic on economy

By Martin Wolk

Americans are far more optimistic about the economy than they were just two months ago, according to poll results released Thursday.

The Pew Research Center poll found that 44 percent of those surveyed expect the economy to be in better shape a year from now, compared with only 28 percent who felt that way in December.

Only 10 percent expect the economy to worsen in the year ahead, compared with 18 percent who felt that way in December.

Improving economic data, including a sharp drop in the unemployment rate, may be having an impact. The survey found that 58 percent of those surveyed were aware of the improvement in the employment situation. The jobless rate has fallen from 9 percent in September to 8.3 percent last month as the economy has added more than 700,000 jobs.

Live Poll

What's your view of the economy?

  • 176243

    It's finally in recovery.


  • 176244

    It's improving and will recover soon.


  • 176245

    Recovery is a long way off.


VoteTotal Votes: 2972

Optimism can prove fragile, Pew officials note. Only 25 percent of those surveyed believe the economy is already recovering, while 44 percent said "it will be a long time before the economy recovers." That was a modest improvement from when the questions was asked in April and 20 percent said the economy was recovering, while 54 percent said recovery was still a long way off.

The survey of 1,501 adults had a margin of error of three percentage points.

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