Sunday 28 October 2012

[WATCH]: Potential Negatives to Lifting Weights Pop Up as You Age

Rating: 4

SEE OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT ?LIKE US ON FACEBOOK? WE ARE NATURAL BODYBUILDERS AND DO NOT USE STEROIDS OR PRO HORMONES. OUR SUPPLEMENTS WE APPROVE OF ARE CREATINE WHEY PROTEIN & AND A GOOD PRE WORKOUT LIKE JACK3D OR SOMETHING SIMILAR THESE ARE PRODUCTS WE RECOMMEND FOR A FULL LIST OF OUR RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND GO TO THE RECOMMENDED MUSCLE BUILDING SUPPLEMENTS TAB. We believe a majority of supplements being marketed to those looking to build muscle are bogus such as Glutamine BCAA (branch chain amino acids) waxy maize nitric oxide supplements. We believe they are all a waste of money. To build muscle concentrate on your muscle building routine your nutrition and get plenty of rest between your workouts and you will get the head turning results you are seeking!!


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