Saturday 6 October 2012

Why long distance relationships are hard

Long dis?tance rela?tion?ships are where two peo?ple who love each other are unfor?tu?nately sep?a?rated by dis?tance. Usu?ally the only form of com?mu?ni?ca?tion is through the inter?net, let?ters or tele?phone. Per?haps, peo?ple see long dis?tance rela?tion?ships not last?ing and to a cer?tain agree I can agree with them. How?ever, in my case I have been dat?ing a Korean girl that I love to bits for over 11 months now. I met her in Tai?wan while study?ing Chi?nese and we had a spark and both fell in-love with each?other.

Here are some of the things that long dis?tance rela?tion?ships involve:

  • You don?t see your girl?friend on an every?day basis. Some?times your lover doesn?t have time to speak to you on cer?tain days, it is painful when your girl?friend is depressed and only your words can be used to cheer her up, and not a nice big cuddle.
  • An uncer?tain future. See?ing as I?m British & Tai?wanese and my girl?friend is South Korean, it?s pretty dif?fi?cult to decide where we are going in our futures. I want to do every?thing that allows me to become closer to my girl?friend, how?ever of course that isn?t always going to go as planned. It also takes time for plans to take any effect.
  • I?ll be head?ing back to Eng?land next year and the time-zone dif?fer?ence will be dra?mat?i?cally dif?fer?ent, so I?ll be even fur?ther away and I don?t know whether I?ll be able to keep in-touch with her on a con?tin?ual?basis.
  • Always be HAPPY and pos?i?tive, as I can?not stress this enough. If YOU aren?t happy or pos?i?tive, I don?t see the rela?tion?ship last?ing or being worth it. If it involves going the extra mile to be happy, take it; you only live life once, as there is no?reset.

I miss my girl?friend to bits even though I just came back from see?ing her 16 hours ago. I hate not being next to her, I hate not being able to hold her hand, I hate not being able to speak to her on the whim, I hate that I can?not squeeze and hug her tightly. Those are things that I hate not being able to do. So, if you are involved in a long dis?tance rela?tion?ship, what are the things you hate not being able to?do?


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