Saturday 22 September 2012

Goodbye Summer | Tom's Astronomy Blog

Autumns colors touches Brush Hill in Stowe VT. Image links to VT FPR foliage information site. Credit: VT Forest Parks and Recreation

The last full day of summer is here. The autumnal equinox arrives tomorrow at 10:49 am EDT. I bet there are a LOT of you out there jumping for joy in anticipation of cooler temperatures and some fall rains. I can?t say as I blame you one little bit. Temperatures in the 100?s are a bit crazy IMHO.

I on the other hand, had a nice summer, plenty of warm temps and bright sunny days and am a little sad to see it go. The leaves are changing some right in this area and really changing on the mountains. This particular area is usually later for peak foliage viewing owning to the nice wide Champlain Valley and moderate climate for these parts.

Here is a link to the Old Farmers Almanac?s treatment of the equinox.

The image above is way better than the one I took of the same thing.? This scene is located a couple hours north of here. No need to travel very far as scenes like this rule the short autumn foliage season just about anywhere you go.? It?s also little wonder the area is a destination for thousands of ?leaf peepers?.

Clicking the image will take you to a State of Vermont site about the current foliage season.? Yes, it won?t be long before that blaze of color will be replaced with the white snows of winter.? For those not from the eastern US or into skiing the Stowe area is a world renown ski town, one of many in the state.

Did you happen to get pictures of the shuttle Endeavour on its final flight (and the last flight of any of the shuttles) or do you know someone who did? I?m jealous :)

More importantly NASA would like your/their help. Read this from NASA if you can help:

Help NASA Document the Historical Last Journey of the Space Shuttle Endeavor

The end of the active flight missions of the Space Shuttle Program is being celebrated with the transfer of the space shuttles to various museums for permanent display in an effort to further educate the public about the successful program. Endeavour will be the last shuttle to be transferred via the shuttle carrier aircraft thus making it the last time a shuttle will fly, a very historic moment in NASA?s history. This last ferry flight will originate from Kennedy Space Center prior to embarking on the historic last leg of the flight throughout the state of California into Los Angeles International Airport. We are extremely fortunate to have this rare opportunity to view Endeavour as she arrives in California.

To engage the public, specifically the students, in a fun way to document this historical event of the Endeavor Flyover, while also promoting NASA STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math).

By reaching out to California School districts, the challenge is for students to take a photograph of the shuttle flyover and/or during the transport from LAX to the California Science Center.

These pictures can then be uploaded (by teachers) and then a panel of judges will select ?winning photos?. Winning photos may be posted on NASA websites, and exhibited for NASA visitor centers and other education venues, or used for other NASA purposes. There will be an option of having a NASA day at the winning school sites.

How to Submit Images
* Teachers select the four best photos from their students and upload them to:

* Submitted Photos: Reference Name & Location of School and Teacher
* Submission Deadline: 9 NOV 2012


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