Tuesday 31 July 2012

The booze battle | Alcohol Action Ireland

Posted on July 30, 2012, 11:24 am.

We know that Ireland has a drink problem, but how to tackle it has become a fight between politicians, lobby groups and the alcohol industry. How will we wean ourselves off the drink, asks PATRICK FREYNE?in The Irish Times

FIRST THE GOOD NEWS. The awareness campaigns have worked. We are now very aware of our drinking. We are also aware of a whole range of drinks products readily and cheaply available on the supermarket shelves ? and, as a nation, we continue to drink them, fully aware of it.

Eighty-five per cent of us believe we drink too much, according to an Ipsos MRBI poll this month for the Health Research Board. Seventy-eight per cent believe the Government has a responsibility to address the issue, and 58 per cent believe it isn?t doing enough.

This follows decades of mixed-up thinking, in which successive governments bemoaned our drinking culture on the one hand while taking the tax revenue and liberalising the industry on the other. In this environment, soft rhetoric about education and awareness was the easy option. But policymakers have concluded more recently that the Irish will moderate their drinking only once price, availability and marketing are curbed.

Minister for State for Primary Care R?is?n Shortall is pushing proposals based on February?s report from the National Substance Misuse Strategy Steering Group. These firmly target issues of price and marketing and will, if passed by the Cabinet, form the basis of a new public-health Bill and the fulcrum of a raft of new alcohol policies.

The statistics have always been stark. The Irish recently came top of the Eurobarometer for heavy drinking. Twenty-eight per cent of Irish drinkers binge-drank and 56 per cent overall drank harmfully, according to a Sl?n survey of 2007. And Ireland?s per capita alcohol consumption was 11.3 litres per adult, compared with an OECD average of 9.1 litres, according to OECD Health Data 2011. This behaviour is not without consequences. The health, crime and child-welfare ramifications of this national pastime cost an estimated ?3.7 billion a year.

?While drink has always been part of Irish culture, the data suggests that the amount of drink we?re taking increased rapidly up to a peak of about 10 years ago,? says Dr Joe Barry, professor of population-health medicine at Trinity College Dublin and a member of the National Substance Misuse Strategy Steering Group. ?We passed out countries like France that formerly consumed more than us. As we became wealthy we could afford drink, and when we could afford it we drank more.?

James Doorley, assistant director of the National Youth Council of Ireland, explains how the context has changed for young people. ?In the past 10 years or so we?ve seen prices come down, we?ve seen much more advertising targeting young people and much more availability. Twenty years ago if a young person wanted to get access to alcohol it was at a local off-licence or pub. It wasn?t everywhere. Now there?s a lot more alcohol available and it?s much cheaper.

?The youth workers that we are engaged with are saying that things have changed. Twenty years ago people were drinking under the age of 18 but they were drinking wine and beer. Now it?s spirits, and they?re drinking more and younger. They?re also turning up with serious liver problems at a younger age.?

It has been convenient for politicians to assume that liberalisation of the market could be balanced out by education and awareness programmes. But public-health experts say education, on its own, is one of the least effective ways of addressing the issue.

?The uncomfortable truth is that advertising is also a form of education, and some of the best brains of that industry are working on drinks ads,? says Barry. ?They?re educating people to drink. Expecting state education schemes to compete with that is unrealistic. The effect is completely asymmetrical.?

The reality, says Barry, is that when you increase availability and reduce price, Irish people drink more. So those concerned with formulating policy around alcohol favour the World Health Board framework, which, among other things, targets pricing, availability and marketing. The World Health Organisation guidelines are echoed in the steering-group recommendations advocated by R?is?n Shortall. These follow in the policy footsteps of another hard-drinking nation.

?Scotland is leading the way in many respects,? she says. ?They?re currently facing a challenge on the basis of EU competition law over minimum pricing and have gathered a very substantial body of evidence, some very significant research done by Sheffield University, making a case on the European level that the negative health impact outweighs competition concerns. I?d be keen that we wouldn?t just leave it up to Scotland to fight this battle alone and should row in to support them.?

The headline issues in Shortall?s proposals include a minimum price for alcohol, a 9pm watershed for drinks advertising and the phasing out of alcohol sponsorship of sporting and cultural events. The latter point is contentious for some of her colleagues, most notably Minister for Sport Leo Varadkar and Minister for Agriculture and Food Simon Coveney. This has led to some procrastination.

?My understanding was that it would go to the Cabinet last week, but I understand that the decision has been taken to refer the memo and the plan to the Cabinet Committee on Social Policy,? says Shortall.

On sport sponsorship in particular, she says: ?The recommendation of the steering group was to ban sponsorship by 2016. I think that?s a bit too ambitious given the levels of debt in some of the sporting organisations, and it?s certainly not my intention to damage sport in any way. But I think the vast majority of people accept at this stage that we need to break the link between sport and alcohol. And the issue is not whether we do it or not, it?s about when and how we do it.?

But Varadkar does not sound as if he?s willing to move on the issue. ?Anything done must be workable, proportionate and evidence-based,? he says. ?It?s clear that cheap alcohol is a big problem, and a minimum price makes sense if it does not violate EU competition law. A ban on sports sponsorship is not proportionate or workable or evidence-based. Sport is international, and the images will be on TV anyway . . . A unilateral ban would achieve nothing, but millions would be lost to sporting organisations and clubs, undermining their work and harming health.?

Fiona Ryan, chief executive of Alcohol Action Ireland, is unsurprised by the delay. She lists all the working groups, Oireachtas committees and liquor-licensing commissions that have been established since 1990 (11 committees and 15 reports in total).

?I managed to have a baby in the middle of one of them, came back from maternity leave and it was still going on,? she says. ?The fact is there?s a vested economic interest and its primary goal is to maintain profits. Meanwhile the public-health goal is to reduce alcohol consumption in order to reduce alcohol-related harm. There is no middle ground.?

Many in the industry itself are troubled by Shortall?s proposals because they aim to reduce overall consumption. ?They prefer to say, ?No, we really need to target the problem drinkers,? ? says Joe Barry. ?The difficulty in Ireland is that we have a lot of problem drinkers. Most adults drink over what?s recommended. The industry says ?drink sensibly?, but when you ask someone if they drink sensibly, unless they?re an outrageous alcoholic, they usually think that they already do ? ?I can take my six pints!? ?

It?s arguably part of a wider ideological change. Individual choice, value for money and self-regulation have been rallying cries for the modern consumer and truisms of modern governance. The notion that our free, unfettered individual choices together amount to something rational and sane is appealing, and hard to shake. But in this instance the rational and sane approach seems to be regulate the product more strongly.

?It?s not rocket science,? say Fiona Ryan. ?We know that if you want to reduce alcohol harm you?ve got to reduce consumption, and if you want to reduce consumption you?ve got to tackle pricing, availability and marketing. We know this from the World Health Organisation and from all the data available. It?s not a moral position. It?s a scientific one.

?In Ireland, up until now we?ve implemented policies that do the reverse of the WHO recommendations. In the same year that they recommended we tackle pricing, we cut excise duty by 20 per cent. We?ve increased availability by 161 per cent during the boom period. When they said to tackle the marketing of alcohol, we put alcohol on the same shelves as bread and milk in a supermarket. We treated it as a grocery, not a licensed product. And this is in a country where the fallout from alcohol abuse costs ?3.7 billion a year. You need to have a black sense of humour in this job.?

Tried and tested: What we?ve done in past attempts to cut our consumption?


There?s a long legacy of abstinence in Ireland from Fr Mathew?s 19th-century temperance movement to the 125,000 contemporary members of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association. One in five of Irish adults does not drink (although the numbers are dropping). Today, abstinence is seen as a lifestyle choice or a response to an addiction. The Pioneers, however, like other temperance movements, have a wider social vision, with members abstaining for the good of society.

?The aim of the association is the promotion of moderation primarily in the use of alcohol but also moderation in all of God?s gifts in every aspect of life,? says Padraig Brady, chief executive of the Pioneers. ?The pioneers themselves go one step further, and because alcohol is a gift from God and good if used wisely, they take the step and decide to abstain from that for the greater good.?

Fiona Ryan of Alcohol Action Ireland isn?t sure abstinence is hugely relevant to contemporary policy approaches. ?The Pioneers are coming from a spiritual and moral perspective and we?re coming from a health, economic and scientific perspective. Their approach is about individual choice while ours is about population-wide initiatives to affect overall levels of consumption. If you have a high level of abstention in a population it?s going to bring down your overall levels of drink consumption, but it?s very much an individual choice and it?s stemming from a particular religious cultural legacy.?

Nonetheless, Brady notes an uptake of interest from people who want to take up a short-term pledge in recent years. ?The short-term pledge has always been there. People would give up for the Holy Souls or Advent or Lent, but now it could be any month of the year. There seems to be more of a demand for it at the moment.?

Drinking like a European?

In 2005, as minister for justice, Michael McDowell, acting on recommendations from the Commission on Liquor Licensing, proposed licences for European-style cafe-bars. ?The idea was to stop people binge-drinking,? says McDowell. ?The report advocated the creation of a cafe-bar society where people would have food with their drink and wouldn?t stand in the pub lorrying in pints.?

But McDowell?s plan was scuppered by the vintners? lobby, which was ?firing on all cylinders at the time. Pubs were still full. Their licences were very valuable and they didn?t want any further competition. None of them could envisage a situation where they would have to consider diversifying to get customers in.?

He got little support from his D?il colleagues. ?I was surprised by the vehemence of the response. Fianna F?il had a very significant publicans? lobby, and they had an informal deal with the publicans that they would nominate a publican spokesman to the Senate. And Bertie did the agnostic on it. He was neither in favour nor against it. I thought the opposition would try to embarrass me by voting for it, to divide the government and put pressure on me personally. But they let me off the hook by joining in and kicking me to death in public. It was all over in six months. I announced the cafe-bar idea on April 15th and the whole thing was effectively killed in November.?

Dr Joe Barry, professor of population-health medicine at Trinity College Dublin, says McDowell?s plan wouldn?t have worked anyway. ?He was advocating new licences that were better, but he wasn?t doing anything about the problematic ones that were already there. I suspect that the cafe-bars would soon have been full of the foreigners and the superpubs would have been full of the Irish.?

McDowell observes how things moved on. ?We were against superpubs at the time because we thought they were leading to uncontrolled drinking ? enormous drinking barns with 500 or 600 people swilling drink. Now the problem is that people aren?t going to pubs at all and are drinking at home. It?s a moving target.?

Drinking Better?

Drinkaware.ie, operated by the drinks industry?s not-for-profit Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society group (Meas), aims to educate people about responsible drinking. Meas?s chief executive, Fionnuala Sheehan, speaks of ?creating a brand for drinkaware.ie. We need to be challenging in our voice and not to be judgmental. The development of the approach ? the messaging ? is evaluated on a regular basis, and we benchmark it on at least an annual basis as well.?

She stresses that over the past decade drink consumption has come down 20 per cent and that Ireland?s problematic relationship with drink predated the Celtic Tiger and the age of mass marketing. She also rejects the notion that if drinkaware.iewere too successful it would conflict with the industry?s interests.

?We?re very clear that if underage drinking stopped it would be no problem as far as Meas is concerned. If people drink in a more moderate way that?s absolutely no problem as far as Meas is concerned.?

Others are sceptical. ?I dont accept that the alcohol industry can be in charge of alcohol-awareness or -education programmes,? says Minister of State for Primary Care R?is?n Shortall. ?Their objective is to sell more alcohol or at least maintain the existing level of consumption.?

Indeed, the site?s messages about moderation are illustrated by jaunty bottles of beer and appealing pictures of pints. ?Do you think beer shouldn?t look nice?? asks Sheehan when this is mentioned. ?This is about reaching the people who drink. The way we communicate is in keeping with that.

?Eighty-per-cent-plus of people drink in Ireland, and we?re starting where the consumer is. We are doing everything we can do to get across to them that when they drink they should do so in a moderate way, and we give them the strategies to do that. I know from the research that if we put up pukey green pints, we?d lose them.?

?You always have the sip-and-grin moment in beer commercials? How drinks advertising works?

?Drinks budgets tend to be large, which is why advertising creatives like to work with them,? says Eoghan Nolan, executive creative director with Leo Burnett and Brand Artillery.

?You get the best directors, the best music, because the volume of revenue that can be gained by the drinks company is proportionate to the money they?re willing to spend getting it.?

But, he says, ?I think within agencies now you will have people who aren?t happy to work on drinks brands, in the same way I recall people not being happy working on cigarette brands.?

When it comes to advertising alcohol there are a few generic tricks. ?You always have the sip-and-grin moment in beer commercials. Guinness is seen as a contemplative drink, and there?s always a bit of hankering to add that in.

?Everything is researched to death, because 21- and 22-year-olds are a very tough audience ? critical, visually literate.?

And, yes, the primary target is young. ?You would often hear people say they hate a certain ad, and I?d say, ?Are you an 18- to 24-year-old male? If not then it?s not aimed at you.? You tend to make a drinks decision at that age and you tend to stick with it.?

Nolan says alcohol advertisements are already heavily policed by the Advertising Standards Authority, the drinks industry itself and the media organisations that carry them, and he is unsure if further curtailment is helpful.

?If I said it wouldn?t make any difference, that sounds like I don?t believe advertising works at all,? he says.

?Advertising does add cachet to a drink choice. Do I think that if advertising was cut, recruitment might slow into drinking and that it might help more lifestyle decisions to be better balanced? I think yes. But I don?t think it?s the only factor . . .

?And I?d worry that if we nanny ourselves on the issue where would it would stop? Do we not show Mad Men? Do we not show Sex in the City? Do we curtail anything we think glamorises alcohol??

Source: http://alcoholireland.ie/2012/the-booze-battle/

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exceptionsThere are a few exceptions for employers when it comes to workers? compensation insurance and being held accountable for obtaining it. These exceptions include residential employees, or employees that work on a private basis, amateur sports officials, and in certain situations regarding employers that are in the process of securing private insurance.

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Dozens die as blaze engulfs train in India


Railway workers and officials inspect the burnt coach of a passenger train at Nellor, India, on Monday.

By The Associated Press

Updated at 4:03 a.m. ET: HYDERABAD, India -- A fire swept through a train car packed?with sleeping passengers in southern India on Monday, killing at?least 47 people and sending panicked survivors rushing for the only?clear exit once the train stopped, officials said.

Investigators found charred remains of victims still in their?sleeping berths and were struggling to identify them.

A railway station worker noticed the burning coach as the?overnight train from New Delhi to the southeastern city of Chennai?passed through the town of Nellore at about 4 a.m. local time,?official B. Sridhar. Nellor is nearly 310 miles?south of Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh state.

Once the alarm was raised, the train was stopped and the?passenger car detached from the rest of the train to prevent the?blaze from spreading.

Electrical short?
Passengers were evacuated once the train was halted.

"Since the fire had engulfed one door of the coach, people had?to rush to the other end of the coach to exit," Sridhar told The?Associated Press by telephone, speaking from the accident site.

He said the fire may have been caused by an electrical short?circuit in the coach.

The blaze killed 47 people, said Anil Kumar, regional railway?manager.

At least 28 other passengers were hospitalized with burns,?Sridhar said, adding that at least two of the injured were in?critical condition.

Massive India blackout leaves 300M without power

Railway and medical workers were now trying to identify the?dead, he said.

"This is a very difficult task, since some of the bodies are?charred beyond recognition," Sridhar said, adding that officials?are making preliminary identification based on the reservations?chart from the train's records.

India has one of the world's largest train networks. Around 20?million people in India travel by train each day.

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? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/30/13026876-dozens-die-as-blaze-engulfs-overnight-train-in-india?lite

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Monday 30 July 2012

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Sunday 29 July 2012

Choosing Happy Colors | ej-fransen.com

Given the opportunity to select paint colors for their living spaces, many people make their choices based strictly on their decor, current trends, and personal preferences. There are other considerations though. Room color can have an effect on our moods and influence our emotions. I had often read this, but have firsthand knowledge since choosing a color for the interior of my home that elicits a happy response in me every time I walk in the house.

Color trends come and go rather quickly so choosing your interior paint based on Pantone?s color of the year may not make you happy for long. Since color can dramatically change the appearance of a room, making it appear larger or smaller, a trendy color just might not be the wisest choice for your space. The good news is, changing the paint color in a room is an inexpensive way to transform it, so it?s not the end of the world if you don?t like a color, just paint over it.

It is usually best to choose your floor covering and fabrics first since paint comes in a vast range of colors and shades to match or compliment your choices. Websites like Pinterest and Houzz show all kinds of great ideas and some of them are very bold, but before you grab a can of paint and some rollers to recreate an image that spoke to you, arm yourself with some information on how certain colors will affect you in the long term.

Interior decorators suggest that you always limit the number of colors in each room to no more than three or four. Overdoing it will make the room look too busy. A general rule of thumb is that light colors will make rooms seem larger and brighter. Dark colors will do the opposite and that can be used to your advantage if you want to make a large room appear more intimate, but it can also make a smaller room feel like a cave.

Pick A Mood

Red will lift energy levels and in a living room or dining area will draw people in and help stimulate conversation. It is often used in entry foyers to create a bold first impression.
Yellow is a happy, uplifting color. The shade I chose is called Garbanzo, but it is a gentle yellow that reminds me of warm sunshine. Experts say that even though it is an energizing and cheery color, it?s not the best choice for people with bad tempers. Some say babies are more likely to cry in a yellow room, but that certainly has not been the case in my house.
Blue is known to lower blood pressure and is considered a calm, relaxing color for bedrooms. Stick with the lighter and warmer or brighter shades though. Dark blue often evokes a feeling of sadness.

Green is a good choice to alleviate stress. It is considered to be restful, comforting, and calming. It is great for any room in the house but especially in rooms where you want people to relax. It may even help with fertility!
Orange is a very energetic color and is most often used as an accent color to boost the vibe of a room.You might benefit from orange paint in a workout room or even in a home office where you want to encourage enthusiasm and excitement.

Janet Jansen is a home improvement expert and freelance writer who loves to give advice to others on anything from the best ways to color your house to the best?protective coatings for your surfaces.

Photo Credit:?_poseidon_

Source: http://ej-fransen.com/choosing-happy-colors/

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Teenagers and piercing - what you need to know ? The Kids Are All ...

By Ellen Laughton.

Tongue piercing

Image by mandyxclear/Flickr

It?s official; metal is the new black. Young people are pushing the boundaries of beauty and style with more ? and more unusual ?? piercings of the body and face. Pierced celebrities such as Ruby Rose, Joel Madden and the late Amy Winehouse are fashion icons, and studs, rings, spikes and bars have become the latest ?must-have? accessory for many teenagers.

Although the trend might seem very ?now?, piercing has its origins in cultures over 5,000 years old. Mentioned in religious texts such as the Bible and considered a sacred practice by ancient tribes around the world, piercing is one of the oldest forms of self-expression.

As piercing becomes more popular with young people, it is important that parents and teenagers know the laws about piercing, the risks involved and how to avoid problems.

Types of piercings

?I think of the earlobe as a ?gateway piercing?, as the clients will decide whether or not to get more depending on what they think of that first experience.?

Amy, a Sydney-based piercer, says the most common piercing she performs is of the earlobes. ?It?s the first piercing for most people,? she says. ?I often think of it as a ?gateway piercing?, as the clients will decide whether or not to get more depending on what they think of that first experience.? Amy says a lot of teenagers do come back to pierce other parts of their ear very soon after their first earlobe piercing. The most popular locations on the ear are the upper cartilage of the ear, the tragus (the small, eye level, tab closest to your cheek) and the helix (cartilage at eye level).

Nasal septum piercing

A piercing in the nasal septum is also known as a pig ring. Image by Adriano Agullo/Flickr

Other facial piercings popularised over the past decade include the tongue, lip, eyebrow and nose. A growing number of young people (and body piercing artists) are becoming even more adventurous, piercing sites such as the cheek, the nasal septum (colloquially called a ?pig ring?) and the root of the nose (between the eyes).

Amy has sometimes had to turn people away because they wanted facial piercings in places that are unsafe: ?There are nerves and vessels that must be taken into consideration. Just because there is skin, does not mean it can be pierced.?

?Just because there is skin, does not mean it can be pierced.?

The most common body piercings are the navel (for girls) and nipples (popular for both sexes). In addition, locations such as the nape of the neck, sternum, hips, genitals and the webbing between the fingers and toes have grown in popularity. ?People are often trying to find something different,? says Amy. ?Body piercings can be a less visible, less permanent form of self-expression.?

Gauging piercing

Gauging is a type of piercing that stretches the earlobe. Image by sayhedgehog/Flickr

Apart from location, there have also been changes in the type of piercings young people are seeking. Gauging of the earlobe has emerged as a growing trend in young men and women. Gauging is the process of gradually stretching the ear lobe through using ?enlargement rings? that increase in size until you reach your desired diameter. This leaves the wearer with visible holes that may be decorated with a variety of larger earrings, spikes and other jewellery. Gauging can be done on other parts of the face such as the nose and lip but it is not recommended due to the increased instance of infection.

Why pierce?

Annabel, aged 19, has eight piercings on her face and ears, which she describes as a form of self-expression: ?It?s sort of when you want to say something about yourself but you?re not sure what?. Annabel says her tastes have changed as she has grown older, and she warns other teens to think about how they might feel in the future when deciding to get a piercing, particularly on the face.

?Holly says that her first piercing at 14 was ?an adrenaline rush?, both from the pain and the illegality of it?

While some parents may not agree, piercings are considered attractive by many teenagers. Annabel says her desire to collect more piercings was driven by her friends sporting similar jewellery: ?The more I saw my friends with piercings, the more I liked the look of them?.

Navel piercing

Navel piercing. Image by christian.parreira/Flickr

Taylor, who had four piercings done in senior high school, says she ?genuinely liked them at the time?. Although she was forced to cover them up during school hours, she says that showing them off on the weekends was like ?having a completely different (and cooler) self that my friends hadn?t seen before?. Taylor maintains that her navel piercing is her favourite of them all: ?I think it?s beautiful, and the few people who see it think so too. I got it done for me, though, and I still feel that way.?

For some young people, the enjoyment is in the process. Holly, now 19, says that her first experience at 14 was ?an adrenaline rush?, both from the pain and the illegality of it. Holly had her tragus pierced by an untrained friend and says that, although she was aware of the age restrictions on piercings, ?that was part of the thrill?. But Holly?s story is a cautionary tale about untrained piercers. Her piercing got severely infected and had to have it surgically removed. ?It hurt a lot, but as soon as it healed I went and got it done again ? professionally this time.?

The law

Out of the six teenagers interviewed for this article, only one (the least pierced of all) knew the general age restrictions on piercing practices in his state. Rod, 18, was aware of the recent changes to the age limits imposed on both intimate and non-intimate piercing in Western Australia. These amendments, however, are Australia-wide, meaning that it is now illegal to carry out:

  • intimate body piercing (including nipples, genitals, anus and perineum) on a minor (under 18), even if you have parental or legal guardian consent
  • non-intimate body piercing (such as the navel) on a minor, unless you have parental or legal guardian consent
  • piercing on the ears of a person under 16 years of age without parental or legal guardian consent.

As well as the legal restrictions, some piercers may enforce their own age restrictions on certain piercing practices. Amy, the Sydney piercer, says ?where I work we have an ?over-18s only? policy. It?s just not the sort of environment we want 16-year-olds in.?

Piercing Studio

Registered piercing studios will be checked by the local council to ensure they comply with regulations. Image by Allmightmo/Flickr.

Strict regulation applies to piercing premises as well. There are standards covering the quality and sterility of the tools used as well as the training and experience of workers, and the general maintenance of hygienic practices. Registered piercing salons have regular checks by the local council to ensure their standards are being met and all documentation (including photocopies of proof-of-age identification of all clients) must be available. Salons that fail to meet the council requirements can face heavy fines and put them at risk of being closed down.

Lip piercing

Image by me and the sysop/Flickr

While the new laws are ensuring that piercing salons are safer and more hygienic, the stricter age laws might push underage teenagers towards dangerous practices in their attempt to get the piercings they want. Holly, whose first piercing was performed by a school friend, says she didn?t really consider the consequences. ?The piercer wouldn?t do it and my friend would so that was that,? she says.

But impatient teenagers should never allow friends or untrained piercers to pierce them, as the results can be disastrous. ?Waiting a few more years is a better option than having a nerve pierced that leaves you with no movement in one side of your face,? Amy says.


Throughout my high-school years, piercing seemed to pose a bigger threat to one?s health than alcohol or drugs. Myths about jewellery being eaten by the skin and vice-versa were just some of the horror stories shared between students. However, in reality, piercing is generally safe when performed by a well-trained and licensed piercer and the piercing is kept clean with proper after-care products. There will often be pain, redness and swelling at the piercing site, which subsides after a few days as the wound begins to heal. Young people should get proper after-care instructions and products from their piercer to avoid infection. If pain continues for longer than a few days after the piercing, or if any growths (such as an abscess or keloid) begin to form around the site, contact a doctor immediately.

Pierced tongue

Tongue piercings can result in chipped teeth and speech impediments. Image by Sarah Korf/Flickr

There are some specific risks associated with certain types of piercings that parents and teenagers need to be aware of:

  • Oral piercings on the tongue or lip can cause speech impediments, nerve damage, dangerous swelling (tongue) and chipped teeth.
  • Genital piercings have been known to make urination and sex difficult (and sometimes painful). These piercings are also often more difficult to keep clean which can leave them prone to infection, and leaves the wearer at a higher risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection or HIV as the piercings can puncture condoms.
  • Ear and nose cartilage piercings are known for developing painful abscesses as the skin is very close to the cartilage underneath. These cannot be successfully treated by antibiotics and surgery is usually required.

Another risk for young people is that they may regret their piercings as future tastes change. There is a misconception that once a piercing is removed, the skin heals to its original state so that it is impossible to determine whether or not the skin was pierced in the first place. However, the extent to which the skin heals after a piercing is removed depends on the length of time the piercing was worn as well as the shape and material of the piercing. In most cases, piercings on young people leave noticeable scars when taken out later on; scars that can only be removed through plastic surgery. If your teenager wants a piercing, have them consider how they will feel about the piercing in a couple of years and emphasise that the evidence of it may be with them for life.

Piercing of the eyebrow

Image by Escarta/Flickr


If your teenager is set on getting a piercing and you?ve agreed to it, take the following precautions to minimise risk:

  • Thoroughly research the piercing premises. Contact your local council to check that the place is registered and licensed with them.
  • Ensure the proper hygiene standards are being met.
  • Make sure your teenager is up to date with all immunisations including tetanus and hepatitis B.
  • Read all after-care material carefully and clean the piercing as directed. Keeping the piercing site clean is the most effective way to avoid infection.
  • Avoid swimming with new piercings as it can cause infection.
  • When exercising or sleeping, tape down any new piercings to avoid small tears that are prone to infection.
  • If an infection develops, or there is unexplained pain around the piercing site, contact your doctor immediately.

For more information

Women and Children?s Health Network ? Body Piercing

Better Health Channel ? Piercings

Department of Health and Aging ? Healthy Body Art

Dental Health Week ? Oral Piercing


This article was written by The Kids Are All Right intern Ellen Laughton. Ellen is a first year student at the University of Sydney, studying Arts (Media & Communications). Read more about our internship program.


Source: http://thekidsareallright.com.au/2012/healthandwellbeing/to-pierce-or-not-to-pierce/

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Romney visits Jerusalem's Western Wall

JERUSALEM - Mitt and Ann Romney visited one of the holiest sites in the Jewish faith today, arriving at the Western Wall on a sacred day of mourning in Israel.

The Romneys arrived via motorcade at the site of prayer and spent about 15 minutes walking to the wall and placing their prayers in the wall and got a warm reception.

The wall is split in two - one side for men and the other for women - so Ann and her female staffers approached one side, while the candidate approached the other with Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz.

There were hundreds of Jewish worshippers praying at the site on this holy fasting day of Tisha B'Av and cell phones were out snapping photos of Romney. Many chanted at him as he walked slowly toward the wall.

One man started clapping. "Good luck to you," he told Romney "God bless you." Another shouted, "Here comes the next president!" "He is for Israel!" shouted another.

Among those with Romney were son Josh, senior adviser Dan Senor and Spencer Zwick.

Romney stood for several minutes with a man who had diagrams and looked to be describing the wall and where on the Temple Mount Romney was standing. Romney then took a piece of paper and wrote something on it. He approached the wall, bowed his head and put his right hand on the wall. After about 20 seconds he looked up and stuck his note into a space on the wall.

One man shouted, "Beat Obama, governor.! Beat Obama." Another said, "Get rid of Obamacare."

"Mr. Romney, say hello to Georgia!" one man said.

Romney looked over his shoulder and waved. "Hello, Georgia."

The Wailing Wall, as the wall is also known as, is the outside wall that surrounded the second temple. Today is said to be the day that the Romans destroyed the Second Temple, leading to the Tisha B'Av

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-wife-jerusalems-western-wall-124532125--abc-news-politics.html

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Saturday 28 July 2012

Famous Estates ? Legacy Champ or Chump? | The Mendel Law ...

Jul 27, 2012 ?/? By: Stephen A. Mendel, Estate Planning Attorney ?/? Category: Uncategorized

Roberta Brooke Astor (1902-2007) ? Philanthropist

Vincent Astor was 20 when his father died on the Titanic and he inherited $87 million. Astor immediately got involved with turning the $65 million in real estate properties into viable investments. He married his third wife, Brooke Astor, in 1953. He lived only six years after his marriage to Brooke and they never had any children. He left her in total control of the Vincent Astor Foundation. Under her supervision the foundation distributed $200 million. She was involved with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Public Library, Lighthouse for the Blind, the Maternity Center Association, the Astor Home for emotionally disturbed children, the International Rescue Committee, the Fresh Air Fund, and the Women?s Auxiliary Board of the Society of New York Hospital. As a result of her charity work, Astor was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998.

We honor Mrs. Astor because she is clearly a Legacy Champ. If you want to be a Legacy Champ in your own special way, then contact The Mendel Law Firm, L.P., for a free initial consultation on estate planning, trust planning, and/or probate issues.

The Mendel Law Firm, L.P. is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys.

Source: http://www.mendellawfirm.com/blog/uncategorized/famous-estates-legacy-champ-chump-4/

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GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime Kit | Tools Home and ...

GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime KitReviewed by Admin777 on Jul 28Rating: 4.5


GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime Kit

detail and more images see here

We have found most affordable price of GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime Kit from amazon.com. It offers Fast and Free Shipping. Once again! Don?t forget to compare price on amazon.com before you buy. Check out now while Stock Last to Avoid Disappointment!


  • Up to 150 foot range
  • Requires three C batteries
  • Easy to install ? ready to use

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

This review is from: GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime Kit (Tools & Home Improvement)

I was amazed at the quality of the frame itself for the price. It is a beautiful frame, however, the little plastic piece that should hold it upright has to be ?fixed? to keep the frame standing. The chime works great and is entertaining to watch people look around for the door chime BOX. Also, did not know from the product description that this can be used for multiple doors with various ring chimes adding only the expense of an extra push button. All around a very nice item.

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GE 51298 Picture Frame Wireless Door Chime Kit

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Source: http://tools42.3owl.com/ge-51298-picture-frame-wireless-door-chime-kit/

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Twitter bomb joke conviction overturned

15 hrs.

A British man who joked on Twitter that he would blow up an airport after it closed because of snow has had his conviction for sending a "menacing" message overturned in a landmark ruling for users of social media websites.

Paul Chambers, 28, had sent the message in what he called a moment of frustration at not being able to catch a flight from Doncaster Robin Hood airport.

He had later been arrested and sentenced but the High Court on Friday upheld his appeal against conviction.

Speaking outside the court afterwards, Chambers' lawyer John Cooper, who had argued it was wrong to associate the tweet with terrorism, said it was a milestone ruling.

"It's a very big decision both nationally and internationally for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people who use Facebook and Twitter," he told the BBC.

"It means that if you intend to make a joke and if what you do is a joke, however bad a joke that is, you cannot be prosecuted," he added.

The case revolved around a tweet sent by Chambers to a friend in January 2010, which read: "Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You've got a week and a bit to get your shit together, otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!"

Chambers said he sent the tweet to his 600 followers in a moment of frustration and never imagined it would be taken seriously.

"It was surreal. My world became something else," he said when asked how he felt when he was arrested.

Of Friday's ruling he added: "It's an important decision as far as social networks are concerned and as far as Twitter is concerned.

"It has established that there has to be an action that is menacing and is intended to be menacing."

Chambers' case gained the attention and support of thousands of Twitter users and several high-profile British comedians.

In Friday's High Court ruling, three judges headed by the Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge, allowed Chambers' appeal against a Crown Court judge's decision upholding the 2010 conviction.

They said: "If the person or persons who receive or read it, (the message) or may reasonably be expected to receive, or read it, would brush it aside as a silly joke, or a joke in bad taste, or empty bombastic or ridiculous banter, then it would be a contradiction in terms to describe it as a message of a menacing character."

-- reporting by Sophie Kirby

(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at: http://about.reuters.com/fulllegal.asp

Source: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/twitter-bomb-joke-conviction-overturned-778148

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Friday 27 July 2012

Do I need a Mental Game Coach or am I just Crazy? | The Running ...

Recently I had a couple athletes mention to me that they weren?t sure if mental game coaching was warranted for them. They alluded to must being ?abnormal? or ?kinda crazy? if someone would need a mental game coach. It?s a curious stigma attached to mental game coaching field. Mental game coaching, mental toughness coaching, or whatever you would like to call it is simply applied sports psychology.

When Mental Training is indicated.

  1. You perform better in practice than during competition.
  2. You have too many perfectionistic qualities.
  3. You don?t perform well when others are watching you.
  4. You maintain self-doubt about your sport before or during games.
  5. You maintain perfectionistic attitudes about performances.
  6. You feel anxious or scared when you perform in competition.
  7. You limit performance with strict expectations.
  8. You attach your self-worth to your ability to perform.
  9. You lose focus during critical times of the competition.
  10. After an injury, you are physically 100% recovered, but you can?t perform the way you did pre-injury.
  11. You have a burning desire to get better.
  12. You find that your sport has turned into a stressor instead of stress relief.

?A Mental Games Professional can help with the following areas.

  1. Improve focus and deal with distractions.
  2. Grow confidence in athletes who have doubts.
  3. Develop coping skills to deal with setbacks and errors.
  4. Find the right zone of intensity for your sport.
  5. Help teams develop communication skills and cohesion.
  6. Instill a healthy belief system and identify irrational thoughts.
  7. Learn how perfectionism is used to benefit performances.
  8. Improve or balance motivation for optimal performance.
  9. Develop confidence post-injury.
  10. Develop game-specific strategies and game plans.
  11. Identify and enter the ?zone? more often.
  12. Enhance team cohesion, leadership & communication.
  13. Teach mental skills related to confidence, focus, composure, routines, stress management, etc.
  14. Improve practice efficiency and transfer of practice to competition.
  15. Improve emotional state management to increase pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction.

A mental game professional may not be appropriate for everyone. Not everyone wants to ?improve performance? or simply enjoy their sport more. Sport psychology may not be for a recreational athlete who participates primarily for the purposes of socialization and having fun on weekends (Unless of course you are that weekend golfer and you are finding that YOU are your worst enemy on the links and it is decreasing your enjoyment of the sport!). If you do not spend time improving fitness or the technical sport-specific motor skills in a deliberate fashion (i.e. with a coach or structured program), then most likely you will not adhere to a mental coaching program. Young athletes whose parents force them to see a mental games coach are not good candidates either. The young athlete should understand and desire improvement in his or her mental game without the motivation to satisfy the parent ? or a coach for that matter.

A mental game professional helps a variety of serious athletes. By serious I mean athletes committed to improvement, motivated, want to explore their limits and understand the importance of a positive attitude and mental toughness. These athletes want every advantage they can, including the mental edge over their competition.

A Mental Game Coaching Professional is not a Sports Psychologist. A licensed psychologist is trained in identifying psychopathology and typically works with clients on personal issues that are not sports related.

So, no you are not crazy when you are in need of a mental game coach. Most professional sports teams have one, every US Olympic team has at least one or more, most elite athletes have used one at one time or another.

This entry was posted in Sports Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.

Source: http://coachdeanhebert.wordpress.com/2012/07/26/do-i-need-a-mental-game-coach-or-am-i-just-crazy/

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The Power Of Diversification (Investing In Startups) - Women ...

From: Women 2.0 - 2:00pm - July 26, 2012

You need to make enough investments to be confident that you will get at least one big winner. And so that means making enough bets. By Fred Wilson (Managing Partner, Flatiron Partners & Union Square Ventures) Investing in startups is risky. If you make just one investment, you are likely going to lose everything. If [...]

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Source: http://ewallstreeter.com/the-power-of-diversification-investing-in-startups-4843/

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Thursday 26 July 2012

Simmons First Net Income Slips To $6.5 Million

Simmons First National Corp. reported second quarter net income of $6.5 million, slightly below the $6.7 million it earned one year ago.

?We continue to benefit significantly from strong asset quality, which has resulted in a reduction in our provision for loan losses, and from our on-going efficiency initiatives that resulted in a decrease in our non-interest expense,? said J. Thomas May, Chairman and CEO.

Total loans for the Pine Bluff-based bank, including those covered by FDIC loss share agreements, were $1.7 billion at June 30, 2012, a decrease of $98 million compared to the same period in 2011.

?The majority of this decrease is related to a $79 million decrease in FDIC covered loans and a $14 million decrease in our student loan portfolio, both of which were expected,? May said.

Legacy loans, excluding FDIC-covered loans, increased $71 million from the previous quarter end.

?Of this increase, $54 million relates to the seasonality in our agricultural and credit card portfolios. Our student loan and consumer portfolios decreased a combined $7 million and our real estate portfolio increased $27 million. We saw growth in our construction, commercial real estate and single family loans,? May added.

Other financial highlights for Simmons First include:

  • At June 30, 2012, total deposits were $2.6 billion, an increase of $22 million, or 0.9%, compared to the same period in 2011.
  • Net interest income for the second quarter of 2012 was $27.3 million, unchanged from the same period of 2011.
  • Non-interest income for the second quarter was $11.1 million, compared to $14.3 million for the second quarter of 2011.

Simmons First stock closed trading on Wednesday at $23.47 a share. The company?s stock has traded between a low of $18.71 per share and $28.54 per share during the past year.

Source: http://talkbusiness.net/2012/07/simmons-first-net-income-slips-to-6-5-million/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=simmons-first-net-income-slips-to-6-5-million

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Spotting Home-Based Business Scams | My Network Marketing ...

The website selling home-based business opportunities looks like a professional news outlet, with a stock market ticker, video footage, and a list of reader comments?complete with typos. but it?s really baloney. that ticker? an animation. The news footage? an unrelated, pirated television clip. and the testimonials? Internet-fraud expert Christine Durst calls them ?testiphony-als??all posted under fake names within a few days? time, by crooks aiming to snare prospective entrepreneurs.

As the recovery plods along, many people who have lost jobs or are looking to supplement downsized income are likely to come across such websites offering big money for little work and no particular expertise. no one knows exactly how many will be duped, but given the explosion of faux news sites during the past year, the returns must be good, says Durst, chief executive officer of Staffcentrix, a Woodstock, (Conn.)-based company that has been designing career training programs for government and nonprofit agencies since 2001. She estimates hundreds of such sites, many pirating content from each other, exist online at any one time.

?Scammers rely on spam, paid ads, and posts to forums to drive traffic to their sites in huge numbers and in a short period of time,? Durst says. ?This is important to them since, once word gets out that they are a scam, they will have to shut the site down. Big, fast traffic ensures their success.? Many sites are highly sophisticated, using tracking software to detect where visitors are and then serving up ?success stories? purporting to be from that visitor?s location. They can also track repeat visitors and see what sites they come from and where they go, the better to electronically sniff out sleuths like Durst.

Last week she found a work-at-home site and started researching it. ?I left their site to visit sites that would lead a trained eye to believe someone was investigating them,? she recalls. When she went back to the original website about 10 minutes later, it was gone. ?They are very quick to hide, like cockroaches in the light.? When Durst checked again a few days later, the site had reappeared. ?I guess they thought they shook me off. People really have no idea how sophisticated these people have gotten,? she says.

Losses can range from a couple hundred dollars for work-at-home programs to $20,000 or more for people who get hooked on worthless business coaching or training materials that rely on pirated, decades-old books, including one Durst got that was originally written by P.T. Barnum. Bethany Mooradian, a Seattle blogger and author of I got Scammed so you Don?t Have To!, says scammers frequently post ads on websites such as Monster (MWW) and Craigslist. ?I find ads there claiming you can make money reading e-mails, sampling products, or completing surveys. you might be told to pay $20 a month to get on a list where you?ll get freelance work opportunities, but what you get is basic information you could easily find for free yourself,? she says.

With today?s technology and a few minutes of due diligence, no one should fall for such schemes. Many sites offer free research tools that can help check out companies, individuals, and websites, such as: Whois.com, Copyscape.com, TinEye.com, and Quantcast.com. To find out whether a company is legitimate, type its name plus the word ?scam? or ?sucks? into a search engine and look to see if it has been listed at consumer protection sites like Ripoff Report.

The main reason would-be entrepreneurs fall for scams is desperation, which becomes more pronounced in poor economic times, Durst says. Mooradian agrees: ?People are in a position where they don?t want to wait and check something out thoroughly. Desperation is never good for cash flow; you may realize something is not logical, but you don?t stop and think about it because you want to believe it?s true.?

Sales pitches that emphasize emotion and flashy promises but skimp on details about the company or actual work should be red flags. so should any business that describes itself generically as a ?system? or ?program,? Durst says. ?Most of these scams are a mile wide and an inch deep.? If you do fall for a fraud, don?t expect to recoup your loss, but do take the time to warn others away by reporting your experience to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the Internet Crime Complaint Center, and your state attorney general. ?You can get revenge by educating the marketplace and preventing these guys from getting other victims,? Durst says.

Spotting Home-Based Business Scams

Source: http://mynetworkmarketingadventure.com/spotting-home-based-business-scams/

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When the Olympics Awarded Medals to Artists

Walter Winans won an Olympic gold for sculpture in 1912 Image: Courtesy of Bain News Service

From Our Partner

At the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, American Walter Winans took the podium and waved proudly to the crowd. He had already won two Olympic medals?a gold for sharpshooting at the 1908 London Games, as well as a silver for the same event in 1912?but the gold he won at Stockholm wasn?t for shooting, or running, or anything particularly athletic at all. It was instead awarded for a small piece of bronze he had cast earlier that year: a 20-inch-tall horse pulling a small chariot. For his work, An American Trotter, Winans won the first ever Olympic gold medal for sculpture.

For the first four decades of competition, the Olympics awarded official medals for painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music, alongside those for the athletic competitions. From 1912 to 1952, juries awarded a total of 151 medals to original works in the fine arts inspired by athletic endeavors. Now, on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the first artistic competition, even Olympics fanatics are unaware that arts, along with athletics, were a part of the modern Games nearly from the start.

?Everyone that I?ve ever spoken to about it has been surprised,? says Richard Stanton, author of The Forgotten Olympic Art Competitions. ?I first found out about it reading a history book, when I came across a little comment about Olympic art competitions, and I just said, ?what competitions??? Propelled by curiosity, he wrote the first?and still the only?English-language book ever published on the subject.

To learn about the overlooked topic, Stanton had to dig through crumbling boxes of often-illegible files from the International Olympic Committee archives in Switzerland?many of which hadn?t seen the light of day since they were packed away decades ago. He discovered that the story went all the way back to the Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the IOC and the modern Games, who saw art competitions as integral to his vision of the Olympics. ?He was raised and educated classically, and he was particularly impressed with the idea of what it meant to be a true Olympian?someone who was not only athletic, but skilled in music and literature,? Stanton says. ?He felt that in order to recreate the events in modern times, it would be incomplete to not include some aspect of the arts.?

At the turn of the century, as the baron struggled to build the modern Olympics from scratch, he was unable to convince overextended local organizers of the first few Games in Athens, St. Louis and Paris that arts competitions were necessary. But he remained adamant. ?There is only one difference between our Olympiads and plain sporting championships, and it is precisely the contests of art as they existed in the Olympiads of Ancient Greece, where sport exhibitions walked in equality with artistic exhibitions,? he declared.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=e33a2b96f90c2476653dd644f551d18f

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'It would be lovely to see more of her,' Anne Hathaway says.
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Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in "The Dark Knight Rises"
Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1690518/dark-knight-rises-anne-hathaway-catwoman-future.jhtml

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Weak Europe, strong dollar temper industrial outlook

NEW YORK/BOSTON (Reuters) - U.S. manufacturers reined in 2012 sales and profit forecasts on Tuesday even as several companies reported higher-than-expected quarterly earnings that showed they were overcoming weak European demand and the impact of a stronger dollar.

Illinois Tool Works Inc , Pentair Inc and Paccar Inc were among the companies that beat Wall Street forecasts. The results showed, though, that Europe's slow economies were taking their toll on U.S. industrials, some of which generate as much as a third of their sales from the region. Several companies cut their 2012 forecasts.

United Parcel Service Inc and DuPont also sounded cautious notes on the rest of 2012, adding to investors' concern.

Recent results show the U.S. economy is slowing down in line with others, but not as badly as investors had feared, said Catherine Avery, president of money management company CAIM LLC.

"North America for ITW was pretty good," Avery said.

While revenue at Illinois Tool Works and many other companies missed Wall Street's expectations, manufacturing stocks are attractively valued, she said.

"They're squeaking by, which is great in this environment," Avery said. "What we really need to happen next is to get the revenue numbers up, and that's only going to happen once we get on a path to better global growth."

She favors industrial names like United Technologies Corp and Emerson Electric Co , in part for their dividends.

Investors showed some relief that companies were managing to increase profit in uncertain times. Shares of Paccar were up 4.5 percent at $39.47, while Pentair rose 4.7 percent to $41.46. ITW fell 3.1 percent to $51.92.

Pentair, which makes pumps and filters, said it expected Europe's slump to moderate in the second half.

"The rate of decline in volumes appears to be moderating in Europe," Chief Executive Randall Hogan told investors on a conference call.

Still, the company cut its full-year global revenue target by almost 3 percent to $3.6 billion. It forecast a decline of 6 percent to 7 percent for European revenue, excluding the effect of exchange rate fluctuations, for the second half of the year, compared with an 8 percent drop for the first half.


ITW, which makes construction materials, welding equipment and restaurant supplies, reported a slightly higher-than-expected profit as growth in North American markets offset sluggish demand overseas, but it cut its full-year sales and earnings forecast.

Earnings from continuing operations of $1.11 a share were 1 cent ahead of estimates. ITW, which gets almost one-third of sales from Europe, said the strong dollar was a bigger headwind than expected, adding that it expected international sales to remain sluggish.

Pentair's 7.7 percent rise in earnings topped analysts' expectations as it benefited from higher selling prices for its pumps and filters used in applications including municipal water systems and homes.

The company, which generates about a fifth of its sales in Europe, forecast a 2012 profit, excluding special items, of $2.70 to $2.76 per share, a range that at its midpoint is roughly in line with April's outlook.

Heavy truck maker Paccar reported a 24 percent rise in profit that beat analysts' expectations, but represented a slowdown from torrid growth over the past few quarters. It warned weak U.S. and European economies could hurt sales for the rest of the year.

Paccar cut its projection for industrywide sales of tractor trailers in the United States and Canada this year to a range of 210,000 to 230,000 trucks, down from its April forecast of 210,000 to 240,000.


Recent economic data has suggested overseas demand is tempering the U.S. industrial outlook, but U.S. manufacturing continues to expand.

Financial information firm Markit said on Tuesday its U.S. "flash" manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index for July fell to 51.8 from 52.5 in June. July marked the fourth consecutive month of slower growth and the sector's weakest showing since December 2010. But the index remained above 50, indicating factory activity is increasing, only less rapidly.

Earnings growth among multi-industry companies is coming in well ahead of forecasts, Barclays analysts said in a research note. Instead of the expected 5 percent profit increases, the average pace is closer to 7 percent or 8 percent, a minimal deceleration from the two prior quarters.

"The world is sluggish, but the cycle remains on track," the analysts said. "China appears to be finding a bottom but not turning up yet, other emerging markets as well, Europe is very weak but not sequentially worse, the U.S. remains the main industrial growth driver and has slowed less than we thought."

In other industrial earnings results, Carlisle Cos Inc and Ametek Inc reported quarterly profits that beat Wall Street's expectations.

Carlisle benefited from demand for construction materials, while Ametek, which raised its full-year earnings forecast, cited growth at its aerospace and oil and gas businesses.

Late on Monday, Crane Co , whose products range from aerospace electronics to vending machines, also posted a better-than-expected profit, but said it would cut jobs in Europe to reduce costs.

Pump maker Idex Corp posted weaker-than-expected quarterly results as it experienced weakness in Europe, and it cut its full-year profit forecast.

(Reporting by Nick Zieminski in New York and Scott Malone in Boston; Editing by Lisa Von Ahn)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/weak-europe-strong-dollar-temper-industrial-outlook-154758101--sector.html

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Source: http://guru3x.com/finding-your-match-at-asianeuro-and-also-other-online-dating-websites/

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Wednesday 25 July 2012



Shreveport Public Assembly and Recreation (SPAR), and Rock Solid Sports announce that Querbes swimming pool will be closed Tuesday, July 24, 2012 for maintenance.

The normal schedule will resume tomorrow, Wednesday, July 25, 2012.

For more information, call Rock Solid Sports at 318.861.4747.

The pools and pool schedule can be found at http://myspar.org.

Source: http://710keel.com/querbes-swimming-pool-closed-on-tuesday-july-24th/

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Source: http://twitter.com/aaronklemz/statuses/227545984253689857

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